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Posts posted by badsanta

  1. no problem, its the way you say things, you have to point out that there cheap and over used, then you put a possitive comment to cover your ass, you do it on every post, you cud have wrote " even though there used alot it suits your car and helps bring the front down giving it a more jdm look" every1 does have there own opinion but you just have to many opinions!

  2. i cant say ive ever seen a corsa or a saxo with 1, i dint think it wud be to long before you put a downer on some1 elses car! 1 compliment in a day is way to much for you harry, it dont matter wat it is or how much it costs it still looks nicer then the front end of urs!

    no the paint aint flaking, it may be rubber but its on there solid, the only way the paint will come off is if i hit it :(

  3. oh ok guys, i never even noticed them to be honest, lol, i will get them changed asap just for all you picky 1s out there! :( my cart cant be that bad if thats 1 of the only faults, im doin good :lol:

    @ecks, yeh it is a laguna splitter, its has done me proud.

  4. harry, it isnt hard staying at the front when you have a headstart! i will meet you for a friendly any time anywhere! starting at some lights so its a fair start and i will leave my 15 stone mate behind then we can see who wins big boy,

    im quite happy to loose but only if we start fair, i will film it so you cant say any bollox!

    love you xxxx

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