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ollie ryan

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Everything posted by ollie ryan

  1. getting myself an fpr this week and was thinking of getting this one http://www.tm-developments.com/index.php?m...products_id=199 anyone using this or any recommend one for around the same price? cheers ollie
  2. i use gardian tints who go to your house or wokrplace and do it there
  3. how come my entry is here but not in the poll?
  4. bought an adjustable actuator from monster motersport and my mate is fitting it as my car is in bits he tried fitting it today and said because one part is straight he needs to get a cuistom bracket made up for it to fit! has anyone got a photo of the HKS actuaotor or had any trouble fititng there one i need this fitted as my car wil;l be hitting fuel cut when i get it back
  5. is everyone just going up first thing in the morning or some going the night before? ollie
  6. check your colant has it stated going a dirty oily colour?
  7. im changing my cambelt and water pump this week and need to no what type of water pump my 98 spec glanza v would have is it one with a fixed puley or a bolt on on? http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m19b0s1301p4223 this is the one im buying just need to no what type cheers
  8. well for a colour change i would normally charge £1200 but as im doing it on such a lovely car could get that and the wheels done for under 1k will try to get it done for under £900 for you after i have spoken to my partner
  9. sure i could do you a nice cheap deal mate
  10. mine has the odd little dent a scuff on the bumper but nothing to worry about but it gets a full respray before jap fest for free as i just set up my own accident repair garage with a mate
  11. found out my problem is the headgasket going not the turbo oil seals
  12. wll i turned up to work to find my company had shut down lol not all bad tho im no self employeed
  13. its a little plastic valve hidden underneath the top mount intercooler
  14. same as my cars getting mate try changing the PCV valve if not i was told it coukd be the oil seals on the turbo
  15. yeah will be okay then i dont speed anymore cant afford the points on my licence so drive like my gran lol
  16. okay cool just got to take it on a 5 hour drive this week lol thanks for your help mate
  17. so is it oky still to do long drives in it?
  18. yeah when it comes of boost it does it, i was thinking of getting a hybrid but i need to get my car from surreuy to cornwall this friday lol if the seals ad gone wouldnt the oil level drop tho?
  19. right my car has been kicking out a cloud of blue smoke when i come of boost i chnaged the PCV valve thinking this qould cure it but to be hionest made it worse rather then anything else i no blue smoke is oil but the oil level has not gone done since i got the car 3months ago and i have never needed to top up the oil anyone have any ideas what is up with my car cheers
  20. got to take it on a 5hour drive friday so need this sorted lol
  21. yeah its blue smoke coming of boost but the cars oil level has not dropped since i got the car 3months ago i no there is a gearbox oil leake which is being sorted tomorrow but that wouldnt have anything to do with it
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