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Posts posted by conz1

  1. Only about 2 months and drove it like 60 miles. That's it lol :) bought it from Torquay with the turbo smoking so replaced that and just gave it a much needed tidy up. Hopefully should be on the road Saturday so looking forward to that. Be good to meet up with some of you some time :)

    Is that you I just spotted down locking road bud?

  2. mate dosent sound good to me im a mechanic if you can not see any paly in joints i think you have a lemon

    my saxo was the same after fixing front end smash at 60mph check the sub frame and chassis is straight

    sound alan

    ive checked all underneath and cant see anything that looks bent, i had a very good gander at it the other day and everything on the front looks to be straight and true so i hope its nothing like that, is there any good ways to check?

    Mine felt asif the tyres were rolling off the rim. No visual play anywhere but changing the ball joints worked wonders.

    At the end of the day if you can do the work yourself a front end refurb isnt the most costly thing in the world :)

    yeah thats true, ive got the parts being delivered today hopefully and i can fit them all my self but i did notice the left side was worse and the ball joint does seem to have a bit of wear and looks to be broke, hopefully it'll just be that :)

    are your coilovers adjusted right?

    i think so yeah, i havent really touched them to be honest, i had them on my old one and they never made it feel as if the wheel is going to fall off haha, the top mounts on the coilovers were slightly loose but ive tightened them now but still have the same issue :(

  3. Thanks for the info man :) yeah mine kinda feels as if the wheels about to fall off constantly :(. I will do all the work myself so ill jut have to pay for parts thanks for the info mate, I'm definitely going to take your advice and make sure everything is true an proper :). I'm not sure how old the wheels are, they do have some quite hefty curb marks on the though (not by me :) ) thanks for your help mate!

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