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Everything posted by Shib786

  1. Silver Glanza, White wheels, FMIC, number plate was a sticker on the side... was in west bowling area of Bradford....drove towards wakefield road!
  2. Lol. Typical of us hahah if you havent owned a bmw/mercedes, then you aint a desi person!
  3. We just sold our BMW 530D M Sport. E60 2005....perfect for long distances tbh.
  4. Firefox. Win. the person above's signature. Win.
  5. Have you just bought this? is this the one with the broken lock?
  6. Boooo its a Sport. way too many people have them here, my uncle just bought a new vogue, £74,000 all in :| sexy as fcuk thoughhh...
  7. Well anyways might aswell update this, basically bottom end knocking thats no problem, yet yesterday i decided to check the turbo, not being too clued on hybrid's myself, took a picture of the fins and its only got 8....turns out its just a normal ct9.... but adam(dizzydragon) has said to me he is going to give the money to me to buy a hybrid ct9 as thats he thought it had and had advertised it, hopefully he will but we will see :/ ignore the first post that i have deleted, had a few problems arousing.
  8. Well I was happy up untill today, this morning i was stood under the car on the ramp, noticed it was a knocking a bit but thought nothing of it, then tonight driving home, it got worse...my uncle said, someone has done a cheap repair on the bottom end by putting in just bearings when it's happened before...that hid the problem for a few month...going to strip it and see what happens now...
  9. Thanks Guys, Yeah I will defo miss the civic....
  10. Cheers mate, I will miss the civic....but hopefully move on for the best... Ill show you what made me come back..... Saf's Livesport GT...Now owned by Nas.
  11. Nope matey, He had to keep it and also, the guy who was meant to be buying my Civic backed out, so I kept the deposit and just found this GT and did a swap with it
  12. 1. Idrees 2. Craig_N 3. CRAIG-SR 4. Kennedy 5. cheshireglanza 6. Asad 7.chriswoodfto, 8. batmanglanza 9. glanzakyle and ross 10. DavidAshton 11.Markoos 12.Dub-Se7en (as long as it's sunday) 13.zac 14.bower 15.Shib786 + Saf's Livesport GT, Eddy's Scooby, Stig's GT, 2 Glanza's aswell hopefully.
  13. Idrees' you might aswell let everyone know, if the weather is no good there is a underground car park we can hide in...
  14. Let us know what happens Idrees', try it for this weekend as i think ive got somewhere to go next weekend...
  15. That was meeee!!.....I ran my finger across your car, no idea why....Wtf was i doing :|
  16. Hey mate, not my pics! just got them off my mates facebook account
  17. Was great to see you all! was loving the Blue 350z, and a few of the other cars.. Heres a vid to the S2k Donuts. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=...0386&ref=mf
  18. Just thought I would update, we are all meeting up here in Bradford for half 11, and will set off around 12, hopefully be there for 1 o clock and hope to see you all
  19. Erm, No idea mate, Im just convoyin down with a few lads from Bradford, I dont even know the way there myself loool!! Also, Markoos, if you could pm us your mobile num incase we get lost. lol.
  20. Markoos, could you update the thread with location and the people attending etC??
  21. Cant wait for this, so glad no-one noticed my car that i posted a pic up of !!
  22. You dont want to see my car mate lol!!! Well ill show you my previous car and my new car now. Thats what I had before And now I went to the dark side The Civic is mine mate, the EP82 will also be there at the meet hopefully!
  23. Decided to join this forum to keep an eye on this thread! Will be coming with a few mates and hopefully bring a few different range of cars down!
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