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nastyrash 2003

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Posts posted by nastyrash 2003

  1. not yet got miibs six speed convertion in at the min and toms engine to do by jae. plus mibbs front main seal is pissing oil out and my turbo really needs changing. lol oh and craigs turbo has started to smoke. its all happening this end. but its wat i do and love, so game on. dont let it get u down mate i will sort this and tommy will live once more. very soon.


  2. i hang my head in shame mate, i can only aplogise to u and promise i will be back down asap to sort this mess i have created out, so gutted mate can not tell u the last time this happend to me think i was a apprentice at the time and it was a rover 8 hundred, but no excuses fella just a over sight that has cost anther head probly. so sorry mate. xxxxx.


  3. probly 1 of them nuts or bolts u kept dropping down the back of the engine trying to get the inlet back on heheheheh. i almost run out of spares. bin on the wiring diagram and think i have it sort mate will mail u the mod soon mate. nothing major just a few wires need swapping.


  4. the pinion gear on sixth is narrower thn the rest fella also this is wer the weakness lies, thy did it so thy could squeeze a sixth gear into the standard box out fit. the way to tackle this is to watch engaging 6th gear make sure not to just ram it in and try and rev out 5th taking initial loading off 6th, in other words be smooth with it, big traction is the cause of failer mate. but other thn that thy real good fun.


  5. great idea, this could have happend to lukep car at caustle combs track thw it looks like oil over heated 1 or the other, the N/A lads need this as thr is no baffle in the sumps at all.


  6. just bin on the phone to ryan now, it defo sounds like water finding its way into inlet, just hope i did not go to nuts on the porting and uncovered a water way, pin hole if it is. the only other way is the inlet gasket thr is a water port on the head-inlet surface, might just need a tighten, and if it is a port pin hole thn a little boddy filler will fix that. we will sort it ryan u know this. enjoy & how u like manchester mate.


  7. yep sorry fella was i a rush as always,

    rev on the six speed is over to the very left and up, so the top of the gear stick travels forward but wen u look past the pivet point on the gear stick it travels backwards pulling the cable into the car meaning u need the travel to be at the gear box end correct. the problem u will find if u look under the bonnet at the cables is cable head (wer it attaches to the gear box sellector arm) hits the cable sheeth (cable cover) trim this down and it will allow the cable to travel further into the sheeth. if i remember right thr is about 3 inch after the cable mount to play with. is that any better mate.


    on lukes car we got the cables for the six speed with the box but wen we compared thm the cables was the same length but the sheeth was smaller only on 1 of the cables if my memmory serves me right. hope this is helps, u will have to peel back the rubber boots and u will see wat im saying. aply grease tto the cable mate wen you cut the sheeth back as you will catch the steel cable protective cover and this will rust and stick in the sheeth if water gets in

  8. its an easy pull for thm while thy dealing with u thy do not have to deal with real bad guys fact. i have never seen so much police time spent on the wrong type of criminal, fines and money is wat its about thats all trust me.


    i spent 2 hours nearly in the back of a cop car and listened to him on the radio and the control office was not happy he was not out thr fineing people he even told me thy get daily targets to meet. pisses me right off. its a money maker thats all.

  9. yep seen this loads on this engine high booste presure is the courseme thinks. look how its on the front edge exhaust always this edge this side of the cylinder is the only part to wer aswel, me thinks its down to combustion chamber design more than hest transfer mate power seems to hit this edge more than any other check your block for wer and i think u will see wat im getting at.


  10. spark fella u was all that was missing, apart from a few single ladies that is (on the look out for 1).

    think u john and taggy + amjad was starting to get fast near the end of his session, would av made som tyre screaming fun with thm on the limmit and u makeing your own limmit. Hehehehehehe.


  11. a civic s aint slow mate, and to take it on a straight meens u aint slow either thats wer every 1 puts thr foot down (top speed straight line) so that is a 1.6 and a fast 1 at that and light wieght. think she did well mate.


  12. ryan wen we fit your head u wanting to relocate your battery in the boot. plus not a problem mate good wen u can feels a difference to a mod and such a simple 1 at that these motors do not have a good engine earth to start off with.


    and paul gets caught every time he sould come with a theme tune. because he cant keep a low pro to save his life lol. lov u mate keep us all entertained xx

    and ryan we need to roller it now i recon u at 90hp possibly with the service + adjustments and bits that av binn put on.

  13. thats wat its all about a good run no holding back, was it redgate by any chance.

    we thourght your engine had gone wen we herd u going down to starkeys bridge. the noise of all the stones pinging from under the car, sounded very metalicy.


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