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Everything posted by TURBO

  1. Oh, thats good news bout the cat then! A guy that comes into my work is a metal fabricator so I could either get him to knock me a decat pipe up or just gut the original one, what would be the best or would it make no difference? Right about the turbo. Powerwise i am looking for as much as poss without messing about with internals. So can I just go and buy a ct9 hybrid or a td04 etc and just unbolt mine and bolt one of them on? Is it as simple as that? Im guessing I would need to get the boost controller and fueling etc set up again? Also is the head gaskett a big job on the ep91 engine? I co
  2. so what gains would a ct9 hybrid or a ct12 give me? and how much can you pick them up for? Where abouts is your post on turbos enzo? Also where can I pick another cat up from as if I gut mine I wont have one for the mot!
  3. I would like to gut my cat on my ep91 but the guys at powerflow told me that I will need to get the car remapped? Is that right? Also when you gut the cat do any lights start appearing on the dashboard? Another question is if I was to get a bigger turbo on my glanza what else would I have to change and how much would a garage charge to do all the work? Also what turbos can be fitted and what bhp gains can be achieved? Thanks
  4. Well, went to york raceway today, managed a 15.9 for the first 6 runs and then I had a mess with the boost controller, by the end of the day managed a 15.444, that was my best. I have to say the car feels alot quicker than the clio but the times didnt show it! Its going to Thor racing in a couple of weeks for a rolling road tune to set the boost controller up and check the fueling, I was also supposed to be getting a decat fabricated this wknd but it didnt happen so I need to get that sorted for next time aswell. Hopefully il be within the 14 secoond barrier then.
  5. I have a greddy profec spec 2 boost controller, running at about 1 bar I think but I arnt certain on this. Lo Hi boost resriction is only in place on the boost controller as you can switch it between hi and lo on that, It isnt still in place on the dash
  6. Im going to york raceway this sunday for the 2nz modders shootout but its the first time I've been in my glanza. My clio sport ran a 14.9 and my RX7 ran a 13.7. What time can I expect from my glanza? Quicker than the clio? Mods are: fmic, air filter, blitz full system inc decat, pretty much stock boost I think? Thats about it.
  7. I need the part numbers for: 99 spec front bumper, 99 spec foglights, bumper brackets, grill. I have looked in the part numbers section but can only find 1 thread on it and it contains the wrong part number for the bumper and nothing else! Help would be appreciated asap as I have to order them tomorrow. Thanks
  8. Nice1. Il let you know the outcome, Thanks alot for the help.
  9. Thanks, Im gonna take it for a rolling raod tune next week, I have a used a place near me called well-lane turbo centre in the past for rolloing roads etc.. So I will gie them a call aswell. Do you rekon for a price they would set my profec up on the rolling road at the same time? Hopefully as then I know the fuelling is right, the boost is right and the read-out is pretty acurate and I am getting the full potential from the car.
  10. Glanza Ragger thanks for that, I am going to give that a go prob sometime tomorrow. I am trying to find a decent boost gauge at a low price at the min but im having no luck to be honest. I also need to order a piller mounted pod from starletgtturbo.com first before I get a guage. I think I already have my boost controller set on bar. The limiter is set on 0.95 that right? Is that in bar? I've been looking at the boost controller quite often recently as I have just switched the function on that flashes you your highest boost pressure when you let off the accelerator, Its been going upto
  11. Is that hard? How do I do it? I am a painter by trade so if I have some idea then im sure a panel beater/strip and fitter at my place could knock one up!
  12. Good! Thats one item checked off my list then! Saved myself a bit of money there! I know it has an uprated fuel pump but I couldnt tell you what it was! The guy who I bought my car off said the boost was running at 1 bar but how can I tell for definate? Another problem is I have a greddy profec b spec 2 boost controller fitted to the car aswell and I have been having a tinkle with that today as somebody gave me a link for the instruction manual yesterday. I just cant seem to make any sense of it at all! I can get the car so that it doesnt overboost but then it feels slow! Boost is not consista
  13. Yeah but I wont have to blow money on brackets etc..
  14. I have two photos for you. One is a pic of the box, and one is a pic of the wires coming out of the box and splicing into some other wires. The wires that come out of the box are Green, Whitre, Black and Blue if this helps?
  15. Jesus! Think I might give it a miss then! Any idea how much a brand new 96 front bumper will cost me? Im a painter by trade so I can paint it myself. Also will the 99 foglights fit in the 96 bumper?
  16. Just looked under my glovebox and there is a small black box that says JAM - SUPER TUNING SYSTEM, for professional use only! Is this an FCD?
  17. Thanks alot! I have seen on a few posts that they are only £90! Is that right?
  18. As above. I have looked on google, ebay. etc etc. Where can you get them from as my front bumper has split etc where someone has cut it out for the fmic and rather than buy another old one I might aswell get a 99spec front bumper.
  19. Sorry, Dont mean to sound funny but i have only owned the car 2 weeks and dont know a thing about them as I have never owned one before. If some one has never seen that plug in there life then how are they supposed to know what it is?! I am very gratefull for the help in showing me what to do and this is the reason people come on forums like this, to save money and do it thereself by the help of others with more experience! Thanks for the pics and instructions on what to do I will be ordering an fcd this weekend.
  20. Im from Leeds, bought my car from Cardiff a couple of weeks ago though. You might have seen it round there?
  21. Thanks for the diagram but it makes no sense to me! What is the box that has all the coloured arrows to it? Also where else do i get an fcd from apart from traders? I've looked on ebay and theres some at £11.99 but these seem too cheap!! am I right or will they do the job?
  22. Has anyone got a print out etc of how to fit an fcd? And where is the best place to buy one? I have seen one on the starletgtturbo website and its £80 is that cheap or overpriced?
  23. Thanks for the help guys! I am going to do as starletrik syas and set it all to zero. Il let you know how I get on!
  24. Thanks starletrick that instruction manual will be very helpfull. I now understand what all the settings do but I still have no idea what to set them to? How can I find out what the maximum is that I can set it up to on hi?
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