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Posts posted by ianmcintoshi

  1. Good lord an rx7 :o I'm drooling all over the place here haha what sort of spec is on that wee beauty? V is stunning aswell bud

    Cheers mate :) Its a street ported lump, runnung a HKS single turbo, Power FC management and a looad of other shit that makes it all work together lol. Running 376bhp at the fly on a safe map. Not had proper power runs yet but should hopefully get 400+ :)

    Yeah mate that's the one, currently re-shelling it, taking long than I had hoped, your v is looking good!

    Cheers mate... the rex is going back to kyle at chizfab soon so i will probably see it there when im in!

    Wheey someone els whos other car is a rotery :) both look awsome mate keep it up

    What you got mate?

    Both cars are lush man that rx7 is something else :)

    Thanks Mate :)

    Glanza is a beauty! The new rotas look 1000x better would be very happy with them on mine!

    That rex... just wow!


    Cheeeeeeers Dude :)

    Im not a masive fan of the rotas tbh bt they fit the car sooo much better, makes it a much nicer car to drive.

  2. Well they're two 660cc engines, so why would they be 2.7 Litres.

    Anyway thanks for clarifying. He currently has an Evo 5


    It's nice, but I think I prefer yours :D

    Looking very swish!

    Mine is a 1.3 on the log book mate and like you say 2 rotors at 660 so a 1.3 in reality. I think its just insurance companies that clas them as 2.7 for some starnge reason. :S

    Evo look the balls mate! Was cosidering getting one before i bought the glanza.

  3. Update

    Finally got around to fitting my Jam ECU... was fairly impressed with the improvement even at standard boost. Im looking forward to maybe trying this on a new turbo soon! 8)

    And my race- spec rocker cover arrived a few days ago but it needed painted. Had a day off so got it sanded back and sprayed in smooth gold :) Connected up the Catch can it it looks great! :)



    Also my carbon scoop arrived so got that fitted just to smarten up the front end a bit :thumbsup:




    Still loads more to come but slowly getting there 8) :thumbsup: :)

    Cheers :p

  4. Good progress bud! That wheels actually look smart on her


    Cheers mate, like i said they wouldnt be my first choice but suit the car much better.

    That's looking so much better !


    Cheers :)

    Very nice, looks a lot cleaner is that boot a hand painted job or spray painted, looks better & are you going for white colour all over, them new wheels suit the car very much, I'm not a fan of big fat wheels on a glanza v, they look stupid.

    Cheers mate :) im keeping the car Silver but im toying with the idea of a black and white interiour.... not sure if it will look wank or not :crazy:

  5. Small Update

    Not much of an update but thought i would share anyways. Had a day off today so i got the new Rota's wrapped in T1R's and got them fitted. They are not as nice to look at but are sooooo much more functional than the Grids... I can actually go round corners now! :p

    Also my oil catch can arrived :)



    and the catch can:


    I also decided get stuck in to the interior. Haven't decide yet if im going to run with rear seats or keep the back stripped. Either way i wanted it tidied up. So i removed the oem rear strut and gave it a lick of blue paint to freshen it up a bit. I then started on the cabin. Steam cleaned of much of it is i could to try get 18 years of grime loose. Once it was as clean as i was going to get, i got a few coats of white down. Anyways on with the pics! 8)







    Hope you like :)8) :thumbsup: :D

  6. Who's is that GORGEOUS RX7!

    I find it amazing that there is something about these cars that gets people coming back, time and time again!

    Why is that?

    MINE!!! :p:D:thumbsup:

    Thanks mate, and as to why im back im not sure haha :crazy:

    I loved my old glanza as they are just such good fun! so when i was looking for a wee car for a daily, it was an obvious choice :D

  7. Looking smart I woulda been all over those seats if they were a matching pair! Can't stand miss matched seats does my head In ha!

    Cheers mate :) Yeah i know what you mean. The seats are awesome! lightweight and comfy too for buckets... but the car isnt a race car so they are defo going.

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