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Posts posted by ianmcintoshi

  1. O.




    dude, i has Badger Hate for you right now!!

    i have a serious man chubby for RX7s, i've heard all the horror stories, the costs, the rebuilds, all that shit, but they are just soooooo beautiful! you have properly got yourself an upgrade and a gorgeous one at that!

    kudos to you sir.

    kudos indeed......but yeah, i hate you.

    please keep us updated on this, so i can hate you more.


    Cheers buddy :D

    I have heard the horror stories too, but needless to say they didn't put me off!

    I had been looking for one for a while, but because of all the stories it had to be the right one. Seen this and knew it was the one... ticked every box that i was looking for :) Hopefully if i treat it with love and care she wont be too much of a problem fingers crossed lol.

    I will ofcource keep you updated... despite selling my V ill still visit the forum to see what's going on, hopefully one day ill buy another starlet as either a track slag or a daily driver :)

  2. Utter minter mate simple as love it :)

    Cheers mate :)

    Welcome to the world of spinning triangles.

    How you finding it? looks clean. Nice purchase.

    Thanks buddy :) im loving it to be honest, the sound this thing makes is immense!!! Its only running 0.5bar atm and it pulls well. cant wait to get her remapped.

    Hows the rx8?

  3. When Phil see's this thread, you will understand the term "Badger Hate"

    Very rarely do people sell there Starlets and get a car that Id consider an UPGRADE or worthwhile...

    This is porn tho, hat goes off to u Ian!

    Thanks mate, i appreciate that :) I love my glanza so much that it had to be something special to make me sell, like you say there are many cars that people would consider an upgrade to a starlet that i dont agree with.

    Wow that is lush man!! :wub: :wub:

    cheers lad :D

    Did you take the pics up around the uni area? Also we need vids of some drifting action up the sheriffmuir / touge haha

    yep mate up the uni and around stirling, and i have no intention of drifting up sheriffmuir lol :/ Its only wide enough for one car anyways lol Id meet a car coming the opposite direction and be like ' reverse all the way back please, because theres no way im going on the grass verge' LOL :p

    Dude, could you take some interior pics? :o

    This is the only one i have at the moment mate. Tbh the interior is a bit too much white for me... it looks great but just too white lol. Once ive changed a few bits and bobs and dropped a set of brides in there it should look grand :)


  4. vids please

    Its only runing 0.5bar at the moment so its a bit tame, but i suppose i could get qa few vids if you fancy? she still sounds immense!!!


    x2 on the vids.

    cheers mate :)

    I missread the title at 1st to read DS3

    Im so happy i was wrong !

    cheers bud

    I am also happy its not a ds3 lol

  5. Awwwww man this is orgasmic! Hopefully i see this cruising the streets soon. Whats the spec on this?

    Cheers mate :) im sure you will see it out and about sometime :)

    i was mad to get one for awhile savage car but very hard to trust the last owners did they look after it properly there not like a normal engine savage thing to go good luck with it

    I know whta you mean mate, ive been looking for a while and was willing to pay extra for the right one if it came along. The previous owner was an enthusiast and she has obviously been very well looked after just by the condition. The shell has only covered 48,000 miles since 1997 and the rebuilt 13b has only 2000miles on it :) just run in for me lol :D

    Um oh mmm uhh mmm BANANAAAAAS!!! I've just shot my load! STUNNIN!!!!

    LOL im glad you like it mate :)

  6. As above please. always wanted one but unsure how expensive it could be to run.

    no bother mate, like i said they are defo hard on fuel, mines was rebuild with a street port too :/ sounds great... but i might as well just get a direct debit set up with shell lol

  7. That is the sex ! It bloody lush :) bet that set you back a fair wack :/

    Cheers mate :) and yeah not cheap... but totally worth it :D

    oh my <3

    Cheers buddy :)

    I hated you when cause had that lovely glanza... now I reaaallly hate you!! haha

    Thats LUUSSSHHH!! :wub: so jealous.

    Lol thanks mate, I wish i could keep them both sitting in the driveway :(

    Nice :)

    cheers buddy :)

    Holy sex balls :) Give us a running report on running costs after a month or 2 please :) Would love an FC but think it'll be too dear to run( and rotten lol) :(

    Thanks mate :) Will do, she seriously drinks it!!!! Luckily i dont do many miles :S Needs a remap too, so will probably be even worse after that.

  8. Some of you may have seen that im in the process of selling my glanza :( Ive fancied a chnage for a while now and sadly i cant afford to keep the glanza and have this.

    So anywayyys, here it is :)

    She is a 1997 Rx7 fd3s type R Import :D and im loving it!!!!








  9. 4 hour drive away, and don't have a car lol plus I'm working long hours so really hard to find time to go anywhere

    Jump on a train and ill pick you up from the train station :) or i could meet you half way :)

    shame to see this go Ian, its one of my own personal favorite V's on here! :(


    Thanks mate, I really appreciate that, especially coming from someone like yourself .

    Why is the glanza sticker missing on the Passenger side? Has it been sprayed/repaired?

    There was rust on the passenger door where someone had scraped it... i had the rust dealt with and the whole side resprayed to blend it in, i just havent got around to getting a replacement sticker.

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