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Posts posted by Mat-Richmond

  1. its for the optional extra amplifier i believe...

    someones removed it by the looks!

    Ahhhhhhhh this could possibly be it! Did not know they came with an optional extra amplifier tbh! :)

    Looks like its for someting After market maybe turbo timer boost controller I have wires going to nothing im my engine bay well annoying as I must have had more toys then I have now lol :-)

    I hope so mate as it would come in handy when I get a turbo timer! Sure would be able to find out what type it is, blitz etc?

  2. Hi guys, well it's not massively important but here goes....... I removed and resprayed my rocker cover then when I was putting the head back on, the last nut that hold the head to the block it bloody snapped and broke the thread sticking up out of the rocker cover, there is about 1-2mm left above the head but it's not ideal tbf so I was just wondering is it a big job to get this fixed, like is it just a thread in the engine that screws in or is it attached to the block?

    Hope you understand what I mean, thanks peeps!

    Matt :)

  3. hi guys, well today i managed to rip my bloody headlining just above the drivers side, its not a big rip but it gets worse everytime i look at it, anybody know anyone who can re cover them or repair them - am thinking about getting the lot done in a blue camo colour :)

    anyone ever done this thereself? any idea whats needed or is it best to leave it to the pro's :)

    thanks fellas, mat :)

  4. this chap was on russel howard show it was at santa pod where he broke the record! funny as fuck!! few years i seen a video of a load of people going through a car was with the windows wide open wearing snorkels lol why i dont know but it turned out to be this guy, colinfurze on you tube, the car wash video is well funny - where they all start rocking it have a look :)



  5. fuckin LOL at jizz in your mrs' mouth!!!!!

    thats a quality ambition! respect to that man!

    also, guitar is for winners! get it done!


    haha cheers man, yeah am currently working on both of them....................will let everyone know any progress with the missus lol :) not sure if telling her thats on my bucketlist will make any difference tho :(

    guitar is coming along though have just started with the chords some easy stuff like oasis, etc :) :)

  6. bucketlist :)

    1.go to japan

    2.drive a nissan gtr or veyron (would prefer the gtr tho!)

    3.2 or more women ;)

    4.as said above - punch simon cowel in the face! (and possibly any cast from towie, made in chelsea, desperate scousewives)

    5.travel the world and meet and see as many different cultures and people as possible

    6.meet dave grohl

    7.go to a foo fighters concert!

    8.learn to play the guitar properly and get that mastered! (i have just started) but they say to do it takes like 10,000 hours!!!

    9.live in a world where all this crappy reality tv (x factor, got to dance the same boring shit over and over again) does not exist!

    10.start and run and succeed in my own business

    11.to let my missus jizz in her mouth (dont think that will EVER happen tho!)

    12.swim with dolphins :)

    13.gumball rally!! hell yeah!!

    14.catch the little scrote that put my car window through a while back and give him a jolly good hiding!

    15.be on TV or in the paper (for a GOOD reason!!)

  7. set foot on American soil. I have never been, and I wana see what all the fuss is about for myself. Should check that one off within the next 6 months hopefully.

    See Buckethead live in concert - i doubt this one will actually happen tho.


    new york is ace mate!! we loved it when we went there!! LA is okay a bit grubby tho not like the films make out and Las Vegas is well...............random!! money, drugs and women thats what it revolves on lol :)

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