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Everything posted by Kirsty

  1. that is wierd as they are the same cars really, engine wise. i hate insurance companies! and they have all gone up in price because of all the uninsured drivers!! makes you think...........lol
  2. might be best to go direct. if flux is acting as a broker they maybe adding their own costs on
  3. you may have to phone up. i did in the end as my reg kept coming up as different cars everytime i did a quote!
  4. sky, Aviva, Adrian Flux, NFU, Bell, Swinton, Tiger insurance, Brentacre,
  5. give Aviva ago. thats the last company i tried and they could do fully comp for £600. im 22, with 4NCBs though, but might be worth a try. good luck
  6. that looks ace! my boyfriend has a s14a silvia and never been a fan of the s12, but after seeing this one i will make an exception!
  7. thats the problem with imports, they can charge what they like. im paying £600 fully comp with another driver on the poicy aswell from Aviva. not looking forward to getting the renewal in April as everyone saying its going up. defo going to do some shopping around
  8. yeah quite a few. a delorean was there last time, it was ace!! not sure what the turnout will be tonight with it being just after xmas and new year and very cold, but they tend to brave all weathers!
  9. dont know if anyone is interested but this is happening tonight. few different cars attending http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?...mp;thread=85758
  10. Yes finally sold it! thanks for watching lol thanks for all the welcome messages, hope to meet some of you soon at meets and shows
  11. that would have been me, although thats my old glanza i have just sold.
  12. yeah i remember. thought id ome on here as seems busier than TGTT. i managed to sell my other glanza so just got the one now lol
  13. just wanted to say hello. been a member since april but never posted anything as im on TGTT. from sheffield/barnsley area, i attend meets regularly so hope to meet some of you soon :-)
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