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Everything posted by ajep91

  1. maybe a stupid question but have u tryed t cut on em???
  2. i would have a lil play with some paint, if u kurb em u can jus respray the one u kurbed simples
  3. u need to try it realy on some old metal or an old mirror back or something that u aint bothered about if it goes tits up
  4. yeah i was gonna do my blue anadised lip with it on my wheels but st blue is calling to match rest of the blue bits. i think its one of those were it will look brill or crap.
  5. im not sure on this but u could try a bright silver base coat, then tint some laquar red and apply it in thin coats ive heared it dont look bad but neva seen it myself, id try it on somet old peace of metal or somet. might not work but worth a shot..
  6. aint citreon french for lemon? ermm that concludes that realy
  7. Hope he put a simonis tab in it so he dont get any streaks
  8. jesus didnt know stelios had a glanza think he should stick to plains and boats lol
  9. welcome dude, if your looking for something to mod urself say a standard glanza or lightly modded try wrc cars mine was imported by them and it aint bad but as gaz said post links people will voice there oppinion aj
  10. ajep91

    Ohh You Didnt!

    if its fat aint it gonna be slow and shit unlike a (skinny) one
  11. jus a gues but i think its red=live brown=negative and yellow=switch (for lights), so red to a live when ignition is on brown to ground and yellow to side light switch maybe jus a gues give it a try hope it helps aj
  12. i tied a dildo up in my parents bedroom because it turned me on.... fook betta go take it down before they see it
  13. jag centre lol your company do our stock pete comes and checks it lol i got your old wings off ya message me your number and i can have a look if u want. all i will say is i ended up buying new headlights as the back of the lights was broke were they mount. send me a pm if and when u want it doing.
  14. Mine aint electric but they can be adjusted suprised u aint been to jag dan to look for me to sort it lol.. but anyway there is three ball connectors holding the lights in on threaded rods going into the front/landing pannel at the back side of the panel should be 8mm hex on the end off the threaded bar jus turn your lights on and turn em untill u are happy. hope this helps. (dan if your struggling get pete to drop your number off at jag and illl sort it for ya ) aj
  15. I work in a jaguar bodyshop i wouldnt no were to start, think agian i would by striking a match . probably told his mates its a turbo and got one of them fake dump valves that sound like static.....
  16. hi im aj (anthony james) 24 from hull i got me a glanza v, 1 or 2 mods, ill get pics up soon, so hi everyone
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