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Everything posted by garya

  1. Cheers for the info guys,took the car out for a drive today and kept my eye on the boost gauge which reads in psi.on low boost when i put the foot down it goes to nealy 14psi not even attempted to try it on high boost.is it ok running at that boost on std mods ie blitz nur spec exhaust and blitz filter??.
  2. Did u change the plugs also or just the ht leads??
  3. did it solve the problem straight away,mines is juddering on high revs when i put the foot right down so i am guessing i pro b have the same problem
  4. Having the same problem as this just now,Where is the best place to buy decent leads etc as i will need to buy them
  5. Awryt guys just bought my first starlet gt tonight,only slight problem tho when i put the foot down and the revs go pritty high it seems to judder as if its getting starved of fuel or somthing i dont have a clue about these cars could someone point me in the right direction.p.s sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place thanks.
  6. Cheers Ryan that was a really good bit of info .only thing is i am on a really tight budget of £1600 do you rekon i could still pick up a decent starlet gt for that price?.
  7. What things should i be looking out for when buying one of these cars
  8. doesnt have a stereo lol :@.only got 1600 to spend on a car so i am on a bit of a tight budget but really want one asap because i ust sold my r5 gtt today
  9. thinking of buying this http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2055732.htm would u say its worth 1450
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