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Posts posted by ali_legend

  1. We can suggest a nice set if there's a decent piccy we can reference... No perving, just some analysis!

    It's like going to a Taylor for a fitted suit!

    lool couldnt have sed it better maself.! Lol

    last year i got my girl a ps3 for her bday cuz i wanted one nd i knew shed give it me after a couple of weeks ;) loool

  2. Just wonderin if i got ny lads from lesta on here.? Cuz if your ever sellin parts saves me payin postage and if i ever need help i no hu to go to ;) lool leme no guys


  3. Right guys i was just wondering what modifications can be done to a starlet n/a sportif that is FREE.? Or very cheap e.g. Square plates etc.? Ive alwaYs wanted to no this as i am on a studet budget and dont have alot to play with. With this in mind what mods would you fuys recomend that are free to do yourself or very cheap that you think are essential to my n/a.?

    Ny help would be much appreciated. Cheers every1

  4. Click my sig, it even says so ;)

    oopss lool cheers mate

    use black tape ;)

    lool would that work :D

    just an idea 4 ya pal.

    i just cut all the downwards slats


    oh cheers mate just cut them of did ya.?

  5. Im not sure the if its called the front splitter but is the front plastic splitter that goes all the way across the bottom of the ep91 n/a bumper the same as the laguna splitter.? will it fit straight on.? if not does anybody no which plastic splitter/lip fits all the way along the bottom of the starlet.?

  6. im actually really pissed of with this toffee wheel i got.!! i had a little go nothing came of atall.! i rang the guy he goes just put presure. i did that and still nothing came of so i thort f**k it,next day looked at my car and theres yellow marks were i tryed to do it on the bodwork. so i rang him again he said T cut it it should come out and guess what i did that nd nothing.!!!!!! :) still got all that shitty glue were the side strips came of nd now some shitty yellow marks. ARGHHHH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. im actually really pissed of with this toffee wheel i got.!! i had a little go nothing came of atall.! i rang the guy he goes just put presure. i did that and still nothing came of so i thort f**k it,next day looked at my car and theres yellow marks were i tryed to do it on the bodwork. so i rang him again he said T cut it it should come out and guess what i did that nd nothing.!!!!!! :) still got all that shitty glue were the side strips came of nd now some shitty yellow marks. ARGHHHH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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