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Everything posted by robswrx

  1. Just be careful - if the letter is not from HM Revenue and Customs it is probably not VAT related. Most courier firms add 'handling' charges for transactions. Very easy to dispute - if they threaten with court action, question on what grounds. You are under no obligation to pay handling charges not outlined in the shipping confirmation. You are however oblidged to pay all duties. I have had this situation before and it is very easy to dispute. Check the documentation you received on the original parcel.
  2. Cheers Guys I'm from Belfast - need to fill in my profile! I'll get some pics up asap. The Glanza is standard, the Impreza around ~280bhp (no bullsh*t hp figures) and the Punto GT is around 180-200bhp. I've always got endless projects going on. The Punto is in the process of a refresh - all new gaskets, head skim etc. The Impreza should have a new engine for April - going for a reliable 350bhp and the Glanza - well I'm keeping it standard but going for the OEM+ look. Going to polish engine bits, tasteful mods etc. I'll get some proper threads together when I get started into it all again - i
  3. Hi All Registered a few weeks back so thought I would introduce myself. My name is Rob and I recently bought the Mrs a 98 Super Red 2 Glanza V (Her first car!). I have just had a few bits of paintwork touched up and the car is due for a full detail in the next few weeks so i'll have pics up shortly. As well as the Glanza, we also have a 97 Impreza WRX and a 98 Punto GT so turbo's all round! Look foward to speaking to you. Cheers, Rob
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