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Posts posted by robep91

  1. Your so lucky i sold you that petrol cap rob... :)

    haha i know that was before you got into the extras yourself nice one mate

    the 6 extras im after

    parcel shelf air purifier with a switch


    front clean box


    rear clean box


    and a storage case


    rear cup holders

    door handle covers

    i am also looking for a trd sump guard

    if you have any of these and are willing to sell or know of these for sale can you please pm me and not reply on this tread
  2. Nice wheel choice mate. Good to see rather than people raving about rotas lol just taken me 3 months to find a set of Sprint Hart CPR's :)

    i hate rotas man ive a set of rays te37s on the car but i want to change them because of lads with there rota grids putting rays stickers on them there everywere over here.ill find the right set as im in no rush for a set

    A sold a see set of advan rgs

    2year ago for 370 posted iirc

    is that the going rate for a set?

  3. trust me the wheels we were looking at were jizz inducing lol i know you run on japanese time are you going to be or are you just up? i can have a look today for you

    would you have cash today if i found a set, i know what weds/ advans go for so i have a rough budget area am i right?


  4. nice find both of them love the torch,how many you got now man,must be running out of them lol

    yea the torch is so cool i love it ive around 40 and ive another very rare one on the way i cant wait

    Cant believe you got the torch :o where do you all hunt for this stuff! Haha awesome project matey :)

    i cant believe it meself.all over the place man but socks got me the torch number plate surround and the brand new multi box

  5. trd fuel cap got

    im still on the hunt for optional extras

    the 4 extras im after now are

    parcel shelf air purifier with a switch


    front clean box


    rear clean box


    and a storage case


    if you have any of these and are willing to sell or know of these for sale can you please pm me and not reply on this tread
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