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Posts posted by robep91

  1. i finally got around to getting the whiteline rear arb fitted yesterday but didnt get a chance to take a pic
    after having it for a bout a year out the shed
    it makes some difference to the car i love it

    i was meant to fit the cruise bonnet today but the weather is so shitty i didnt bother
    i went out and fit the roof mounted air purifier instead
    heres a pic
    there rare optional extra to get and are normally broke but this one works 100%
    pic with the light on
    pic with the purifier turned on
    im delight with it i might have a parcel shelf one for the car soon enough so the air will be nice and clean :D
    the rain stopped for a few mins so i jacked the car up to take a quick pic of the rear arb
    thats it for now
  2. the 5 extras im after now are

    parcel shelf air purifier with a switch


    front clean box


    rear clean box


    a trd pertol cap


    and a storage case


    i know these are rare extras but there out there somewere

    if you have any of these and are willing to sell or know of these for sale can you please pm me and not reply on this tread because i dont want anyone using my wanted tread to steal extras from under my nose

    sorry if any of these pics belong to anyone off this site
  3. haha thanks mate i picked up another two extras for it

    a rare air purifier


    non smoking ash tray


    i have been after one of these for ages.then a member on toc irl sent me this one down for nothing.

    its missing the non smoking sticker but ill be getting one made up soon

    heres a pic of it beside the standard ash tray


    and one of it fitted


    also got this blue cj performance engine hose kit


    i havent had a chance to fit the cruise bonnet yet but hopefully some time next week ill have it on cant wait

  4. This is my last post in here, I've got nothing else to say about it! Much love xxx

    sound your one cheeky git but your just helping out the starlet world hahahaha my hole your helping out your own pocket

    now this can be locked

    by the way i just google searched and there is another two glanzas with varis spoilers you could of used

  5. you might have seen that im not very happy about id workz copying a varis spoiler

    which was a very very rare spoiler now ive a genuine one on my car

    then i see this on ebay


    hes using a pic of my car to advertise copy spoilers when mine is real and without my permission

    now i dont know about you but i think this is shocking

    i know alot of you are going to jump to defend him as hes seems to be very popular

    but i had to put this up because im very angry of it

  6. to go with the rear carrozzeria speakers i picked a set of front carrozzeria speakers



    levin twin pot calipers just have to get longer studs now and there ready to be fitted



    i replaced the starlet sticker on the boot because the old one was faded



    these next 3 parts ive been after for a very long time

    a very rare optional extra rubber boot mat





    an optional extra rescueman


    i got this off socks a few weeks ago heres pics of it fitted


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