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Posts posted by jham

  1. Sorry to keep dragging this up, Ive just found a bike that im interested in.

    Only concern is it would appear the owner has switched the brakes to the rear brake is on the right hand side.

    I dont think i coulkd get used to this. Would it just be a case of removing cable from leaver then switching them round do you think?

  2. cant remember of the top of my head, i believe some companys will do at 22 though but there hard to find.

    Just google it thats what i did, only managed to find one company though and im 22 aswell

  3. im liking the look of Kona Shred at the moment, seems to be an ok beginer bike. COncerned it may be more for the dirt jumpting side of things. I do want to do some dirt jumps but looking more at downhil trails which have jumps rather then just jump tracks if that makes sense, not sure the bike will fit my needs

  4. thanks for the advise, think you have awnserd by question entirely. No looking to do any hardcore jumping as in set up mud jumps.

    Just some nice trails with the odd jump alonf the way so i think a smaller framed hardtail is what im going to need. Ive been looking at Kona/GT and speacialize but now youve said that may stick with the Kona/gt

  5. i wanna do some trails but keen to do some jumps aswell. Dont want an all out jump bike though.

    Have been looking noticed some trail bike's the bar slopes down to the seat so may be good for trails and the odd jump. You can tell im a complete noob here! Im looking to buy second hand and want to get a complete bike budget about 250?

    seem to be a few deal on ebay no idea if what im looking at is any good though!

  6. Hello,

    Thinking about getting myself a mountain bike want to do the odd trail/bit of jumping so after a small sized frame.

    Im short myself about 5ft7 dont know anything about mountain bikes.

    Any one here into this recomend any good bikes for that type of usage?


  7. roads round my end are pretty good and i found my Meisters pretty harsh even on the softest setting, i didnt have them that low at all either.

    COnstantly found my self under the car having to tighten component of the shock as they developed knocks all the time aswell

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