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Mark Edwards

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Posts posted by Mark Edwards

  1. To quote my mother 'you looked like a man' ie not very well at all! :(

    It's a sticky in How 2's and FAQ's


    1. Undo the top screw (soft metal, but it's a hex head so I recommend to use a socket instead of a screwdriver), then the two bottom ones (long screwdriver) this gives a bit of play so you can take off the clear cover and the plastic binnacle (as one). Bring that bit forward rotating it upside down as you take it out the hole, makes it easy to remove that bit

    2. Plugs, finger on top to push the clip down wiggle them side to side (using the plug or wires) to get them out

    3. Speedo cable, with your right hand reach behind, feel for a cylinder, at the end, there is a bit that can be pushed down, push it down, pull the clocks towards you

    4. As 1. bring the clocks towards you, rotate up and out to get them out without a fuss

    5. The cable is a pain to get back (head in foot well and grope up! :D ), so after 2. you can just pull the cable out. Feed them left, there is a bar near the centre of the clocks the C & A plugs will be a bit fiddly to get past there

    6. The cowl I find it easiest to squeeze at either end and feed it out to the left (wiper arm all the way down)

    I really, really need to get all these bits together in a full write up :(

    Excellent, thanks again for that, i'll have a look in a couple of days. :D

  2. Knowledge is power, fore-warned is fore-armed and all that :(

    Also if you want tips on how-to get the clocks out in under 1/2hr, with no scratches to your hands let me know. It can be done quite easy when you've got the knack, first time I tried it took all afternoon to get them out, and I bled!

    I've gone into it far enought to reset the needles already but that's it so far. I'll see what happens when i try to go further. :(

    Where is this wiring guide you mention? I've had a search but can't seem to find it. :D

  3. Well,............ dig out Miracle's wiring conversion guide

    If the wire in C5 is black and yellow, the car didn't need any rewiring for the clocks to work and you have a cable for the fuel light (according to Miracle's guide).

    This was the case in my Solida, but the light has never come on, I've been down to the white line at the bottom once, but never below so I don't know if it works on a Solida->SR conversion, but I'd hazard a guess of yes.

    However anything else (blank or different) and the car has been rewired (wire ends in the plugs moved around), in the case of rewiring I'd suggest B1->C5 might get it working, the wire is 'blank' with the old clocks and is the right colour for the new clocks (and left).

    I did this with the g/f's sportif. The only problem is that the wire is too short, so I just taped it off to avoid a short and C5 is blank now. You could extend the wire to get it to reach, then see what happens. But as I've nothing but a hunch as to the left-over wire B1 being the right one, I can't promise anything

    Hope that helps!

    Sorry i asked, lol. :(

    Seriously though, thanks for that, i'll have a look at it and see what i can find. :(

  4. The previous owner very nicely swapped over the clocks to the SR ones and i've noticed there's a low fuel warning light. First question is, does the sportif have this too and should it work on the SR dash? The reason i ask is i've run down to the minimum mark already, even a little past it and the light has never come on. Not a major issue, but as it's there it would be nice to get it working if it doesn't.

  5. need for info on it mate than that, that issue could be anything ... could be as simple as the oil used is too thin ...

    It'll be nothing to do with the oil if it's black smoke, oil issues come out as blue smoke. It'll 100% definitley be fuel if it's black.

  6. Eric Draven (The Crow) : 74%

    Indiana Jones : 72%

    Batman / Bruce Wayne : 72%

    Tony Montana (Scarface) : 72%

    Schrek : 72%

    Maximus (Gladiator) : 72%

    Hannibal Lecter : 72%

    Néo (Matrix) : 71%

    Yoda (Star Wars) : 66%

    James Bond : 63%

    Jim Levenstein (American Pie) : 63%

    Forrest Gump : 61%

    Suits me just fine. ;)

  7. From a 400bhp MR2 to a N/A 1.3? ;)

    Dam, that must hurt. What made you go for a Starlet after the incident?

    Cost really, i wanted something cheap to run about in until i can afford to have the power again. Still wanted a good car though so it couldn't be any old rubbish. Once i'm earning more money i'll build up a turbo lump for this and drop it in. Had considered fitting my 3sgte in it, but it's just not practicle to do so really.

  8. Looking cool Marky boy! ;)

    Did your laptop get smashed in the bump? I might be able to sort you out with one if you're desperate. Nothing brilliant, but ok for mapping that old MoTeC M4 of yours... :lol:

    Take it easy mucker, hope to see you at Andi's curry night. :D


    Yes mate, it's got a bit of a curve to it now, I have a spare the same for parts so i'm not sure if one working one can be made from what i have or not.

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