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funny onion

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Posts posted by funny onion

  1. haha i know :(

    i am semi obsessed about not scratching my car/wheels, and when i did that last night i just sat there for about 15 mins trying not to have a mental breakdown! lol. looks a lot better now though, at some point over summer i'll get some filler on it and sand it all back and spray it again but for now it will do.

    literally in the process of sorting a sticker from josh by the way! gonna be reppin' uksc asap.

  2. i'm ordering a custom uksc sticker that's going across my sun strip! don't be like that! uksc is gonna have the full length of my windscreen :D can't wait- it's gonna look sick if it turns out the way i'm imagining it. :)

    yeah everything is getting a lick of paint atm, in the process of doing centre console and clock surround and other little interior bits the same grey as the bumpers :)

    had a bit of a boo boo last night, backed onto my drive too quick and caught the front lip on the drivers side, scraped right down to the fibre glass :( so in a panic/attmept to make it look semi acceptable i just caked it in high build primer and then caked it in paint, and looks near enough mint again! lol. women drivers eh...

  3. only a small update

    standard fpr is back on, so no more misfiring and stuff :p

    changed my rocker cover back to my freshly painted fte one;


    and a close up of the oh so sparkley red bits :D


    clutch kit arrived, will be fitted either when my current clutch gives up, or when the weather gets better and me and sam can be bothered. not looking forward to fitting it at all.


    and finally a little pic of my local jap club sticker on the rear quarter window :)


    also go the rear lip fitted! i think it looks ace! love it :) will be getting some pics at a local pistonheads meet tonight. i know it needs side skirts before people feel the need to tell me. all in good time. probably gonna go for toms skirts though, even though the front and rear lip are livesports. just prefer the toms skirts.

    opinion on which rocker cover looked better? i can't decide.

    wepr manifold with external wastegate and screamer to go on at weekend! can't wait :) so should have a better update soon fingers crossed

  4. well the first one was completely buggered so it was swapped for another one. seems ok today, but like i say standard one is going back on asap. and it least it's finally had a compression test :D

    sam has stripped the first one down at work and he found something that looked like a piece of chalk holding the valve open. i honestly couldn't even imagine how whatever it was got there.

  5. cheers lew i really love it!

    nightmare of a day with this sodding machine.

    fannying around with the fpr all day to get some form of mixture that was not going to cause it to misfire it's tits off. drove to uni and back, not a problem, drove to pick sam up and went to asda and back, no problem. went to drive home and it literally wouldn't even tick over without misfiring/ hardly firing at all. sam shit me up by saying it might be low compression on one or some cylinders, so off came the intercooler and plugs and out came the compression tester (all on the side of a dual carriage way, and sam is actually amazing enough to have a compression tester/any other tool you might ever need in the back of the vitara). 12 bar spot on on every cylinder, no variation at all. so everything went back on, tried firing her up and she ran sweet as a nut! so cranked the fuel pressure down a wee bit, took her for a cautious drive and no problems.

    in conclusion, the standard fpr is going back on until i get a wideband, tempers will be lost and fpr's will be hurled if it carries on being possessed. i personally think the gauge on the fpr is foobar'd but i really don't care enough to buy a new one for now.

    but on the plus side, nice results from the compression test :thumbsup:

  6. i daren't even watch that video, i sound like a troll on videos >.< lol

    so yeah, fitting a fpr yesterday, all was well, took her for a drive and had a nice happy bar of boost, everything was sweet. sam drove her down the a63 and somehow the split the diaphragm on the fpr (i don't even wanna know how) so it wasn't holding pressure and was probably running lean as hell when being driven, but we had a spare fpr with us so decided to try swapping it. then cranked it up and it sprayed fuel everywhere, including all over poor murx :(. swapped back again, one of the clips holding the fuel line on the return gave in. massive nightmares were had in tesco car park. got back to sams and it turned out the fpr that pissed fuel everywhere had been wound right in, so we wound it out abit and everything seemed fine, was holding pressure after engine turned off etc, but from 0.3 bar above it will not boost and just misfires like hell. so i'm thinking for the time being (until i get a wideband) i'll just put the standard one back on. i use this car as a daily, and i rely on it 100% (can't get bus to uni from where i live) so i can't be doing with having to mess about every time i go to drive it.

    sad face :(

    but heres a few pics from yesterday!





    and i nearly forgot my favourite! lol


  7. right now it's running standard but spiking right up to 1.1 bar above about 4500rpm. so gonna up it to a bar with the external wastegate and get fueling and everything happy and enjoy it this year.

    i know i do seem to change my mind a lot haha. i would still love to go td04 and will eventually but at the moment i'll never be able to fund it properly, i would have to run it for about 6 months without a map so i'll just stay ct9 and squeeze what i can out of that and if i get a job i'm hoping for over summer i'll have lots of pennies for stuff :) but ct9 until then. unless my numbers come up on the old roulette table of course.

    need a wastegate and screamer though! cheap as possible!

  8. best thing you could do imo would be to buy an aem wideband, gives you an exact air/fuel ratio, and get a fuel pressure regulator. even after a map i would have a wideband on the car all the time tbh incase it gradually starts running lean due to deterioration of parts like injectors etc. one of the main killer of engines when upping boost is that above factory boost levels they will most likely run lean because the combination of the standard fuel pressure regulator and fuel pump aren't able to keep up with the fuel requirement. if you just bang a fcd on it it will run lean every time you go over factory boost and the engine will give up pretty quickly. increase the fuel pressure by adjusting the fpr gradually use the wideband to check the mixture. running up to 1 bar the fuel pump and injectors should be ok i think.

  9. i wouldn't bother with a fcd if you're planning on putting the piggy back on and getting it mapped. just drive it accordingly, ie don't let it boost up enough to hit fuel cut. mine is terrible for it but i just keep an eye on the boost gauge. unless you know the fueling is right at the higher boost levels i wouldn't recommend a fcd anyways, it might go bang before you even have chance to get it mapped.

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