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Posts posted by wikiz

  1. I was extremely close to making this my TD04 project. Still think about it from time to time though I want an MR2 just that little bit more at the moment.

  2. I completely understand and did say I wasnt sure it would be worth while. It would be helpful but not enough to justify a dedicated section.

    I also realise that if people moan about the price then it usually is overpriced but it still takes away for the thread itself. I appreciate the mods jobs though and agree it wouldn't be worthwhile and just a hassle.

    I would usually do my research but I had no idea where to start with that manifold I posted up as I didnt know who it was manufactured by, quality of materials etc. If I did I would have determined my own price to sell.

  3. True but the problem with just banging up a price is that more often than not you get a load of comments about it being overpriced etc and it sort of spoils the thread I think thats all.

    I can imagine that happening with the gauging interest section actually.

  4. On the way back from Japfest, I bought a coffee put it on my roof, drove out the petrol station and down the road, got to the roundabout thought where the f**k is my coffee. Put down the window, and there the little fella was just chillaxing on my roof. Lucky for him I didnt hit boost. Not strange just retarded but got some funny looks.

  5. Im not sure how many people post up threads about item worth etc and whether it would be worth while but it could be a helpful section to have within the marketplace as I didnt have a clue where to put my thread earlier and just stuck it in lifestyle/general.

  6. Hi, Ive got a stainless steel manifold here gathering dust. Its never been used, I got it with my car when I bought it and the previous owner said he had just got it off TM Developments. Not sure of manufacturer as it just has a long code on it. Did TM Developments manufacture their own manifolds? Anyway not sure what its worth has anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

    Also if this is in the wrong section just move it and if the title is misleading as im not 100% on manufacturer then change it to "stainless steel manifold,worth?" I didnt think about that till now. I Dont know where both my other threads went I only wanted one deleted hence ive re posted, anyhoo :)

  7. Tbh, theres no point in asking, you'd be better going to a shop and having a shot of each. You'll just get different stories. I have an iphone 5, used to have an iphone 4, the battery life wasnt alot different for me tbh. And ive not had any problems at all.

    The app store has a ton of good apps, both free and not free.

    Its totally your own preference. Im not a fan of android as i dont find it as user friendly and easy to use. But i wouldnt say it was bad. The size of the samsungs was a big turn off for me as well.

    But go have a shot of each. Ignore the fanboy bullshit tbh, it'll just make your decision harder but 90% of it is exaggerated. Like i disagree with studoc post about the screens and how all the apps cost etc. iphone 5s processor is an a6, 1.3ghz dual core by the way, but it all depends on apps you use etc.

    ive used both android and ios. They both have pros and cons.

    So true people can only give their opinion, go try them out and form your own that way youll get the phone thats more suited to your needs ;)

    To answer you question though I dont think you would be disappointed with the iPhone 5, its not a bad phone just depends if its right for you really.

  8. I have also tried the Samsung in particular and it feels cheap, I understand what it is capable of and quite frankly when I used my mates one I actually gave him it back within about 10 seconds it felt like a brick, I was not interested and the bright colours on his os made me feel like I was operating a kids phone. In fact he traded his in for an iPhone shortly after owning it. It really does come down to the individual. Price for me is not something I grudge when it comes to a device I use on a daily basis, I want build quality and im more than happy buying into a brand if it satisfies your needs. In saying that I far preffered the ergonomics of my 3s it was by far a more comfortable phone to operate than the 4 and if im honest the 5 is more uncomfortable for me. Think ill wait for the 6, forget the 5s. Also that new Sony one looks terrific in my opinion, if I wasnt moving to a macbook I would have one. I also hold nothing against Samsung I have a Samsung tv and its brilliant, its lasted 7 years very well and I will be going back to them for a new screen for my next gen console.

    I would also like to state that I agree with the fact Apple are money milking bastards and under equip products then over price them relying on the brand to save them...The brand will to an extent but they need to become more competitive with their products, Apple dont feel like Pioneers to me anymore.

  9. SJBrowning 7 has one and will no doubt pop his head up and tell you all you need to know, think he likes his. I personally think the shape feels a bit long and narrow, thats just personal preference though.

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