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Posts posted by Fogdoggydog

  1. The demo only shows off the blogging system. Each blog has it's own theme and each blog can only be edited by the blog owner. Just thought this system would meet all your blogging needs. if you decide to use this system to handle the blogs I'll whip up a skin for the blogs to resemble the fancy new main site.

    Any questions, just ask...

  2. Righty ho!

    I've has a very dull week! 59 hours sitting in a wholesalers gatehouse doing security. So when I wasn't pressing buttons to make barriers go up and down, I got the laptop out and did a test install of the blogging software I mentioned earlier. (I also started making a new skin for the forum, but it takes ages, and I'm not much of a digital artist, so it's a bit poor at the moment.)

    Anyway, the blog was a piece of piss to install. Upload a folder to your webserver, fill in details of your database username and password, and click install.

    After that I played about with setting up a couple of blogs and set the access rights for users, so that only a certain user could edit their own blog. Each user also had the ability to set their own skins, categories, etc.

    Hmm, I suppose there isn't much point talking about this without giving a demo, so I'll go set it up and get back to y'all on this thread!

  3. does anyone else get the centre of the banner which Prangers' starlet is on disjointed -theres a section in the middle where the lines dont meet up and theres a little white line at the bottom

    This is the first time i'm been on the site using internet explorer 7, and i've only just noticed this. Must be a rendering problem of the site with the this browser, looks grand on ie6 and firefox!

    Just thought I'd post seeing i've noticed it, even though the thread has been pretty much forgotten about.

  4. DOOD!

    That's brilliant. Very BT! Probably the best amateur productions I've heard.

    Hope you don't mind me mentioning a couple of points:

    The stabs at the start sound a wee bit cheesy IMO, but I think that is more to do with the pad samples you've used for them.

    Might just be the quality of the mp3, but the bass is clipping on every kick-drum hit.

    Apart from that it's just plain great. Get it mastered and get a demo CD sent out to the labels!

    Really love the ending with the piano and all.

    Hell, I just really love it! It's awesome!

    What you produce it on?

  5. I like the sound of the pink, lol!

    It's a shame your keeping the black cause rhubarb and custard (reddy-pink and yellow) or mint-choc-chic (pale green and brown) would make awesome colour schemes.

    I think gunmetal would be the tidiest option. Looked rather good on this GT @ Jap Heaven...


  6. ROFL!

    Good pics starbo!

    As for the insurance for a glanza compared to a land rover. You'd be lucky to get insured at all one a 1.3 Turbo car 6 months after passing your test (i'm guessing your 17-18).

    The standard 1.3 starlet normally costs the average person about £1300 after passing test at 17-18 years old.

    Confused.com should give you ball park figures.

  7. Seeing it's been mentioned in here earlier - I have a question about wheel-buckling (preceded by a short story).

    How can you tell if a wheel is buckled?

    I'm asking because a couple of weeks ago I had swapped my back to the front and vice-versa to even out the wear. After this I needed to get the wheels balanced so I took it to the garage, and on the way I had to take a right left hand turn onto a narrow street, and I clipped the back wheel on the kerb. I wasn't going fast as the turn into the street was at a traffic light controlled junction that I had stopped at. And it's only a bit scuffed from what I can see.

    Anyway, I got the wheels balanced, but there was still juddering at around 70 mph. So the next day I got the tracking re-done too, but that didn't help. The mechanic that carried out the work said that because the car is lowered the camber is offset a bit, and this could cause the judder. Funny thing is that it never juddered before I swapped the wheels over.

    I thought nothing more of the judder, and passed it off to the camber problem, until I read this thread about the 'playdough' wheels and noticed the term wheel-buckling. Since then all that's been going round in the back of my head is that my wheel might be buckled.

    Any thoughts people?

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