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Posts posted by Pobbette

  1. Can't wait for sunday, as to how London steps up it's security level!


    I'm thinking this for London Security?

    On a more serious note, it's very sad that this has happened. My thoughts are with those who are injured/families of those who were killed.

  2. Does anyone know off hand which size is best for this? Also need some new ones for the plastic which covers the windscreen wipers.

    I work in an office yet NO-ONE seems to have a ruler!

    Any help is greately appreciated as i dont wana loose any plastic on my travels and cant bring myself to put tape on it.

    Thanks :)

  3. oh yeah i know that lol i wont take it out if i dont have this new job i was just wondering what peoples views are on them , un decided , obvsiously the mother disagrees with me

    hmmm i was gonna say i seen a few people who took a loan out , hope you dont mind me asking but what was the price of yours and repayments etc ? did you go with bank ? i dont trust these agencies on telly like wonga and quickquid etc there apr is stupid and it looks dodgey but i wouldnt mind one with a bank just paying it off for 2years tho is a bit of a ball ache , i can save up theres no problem but summer will be almost gone and i want it in time for japfest

    I got mine with Santander, and took mine over a longer period of time to keep the repayments as low as possible. I would never go with an agency myself. Sorry I didn't read the bit about new job, you might have a little trouble as you just started the job.

    At the end of the day it's your choice what you do :)

  4. I got a loan for my glanza and I haven't looked back :) as long as you are sure that you can always make the monthly repayments then you got nothing to worry about. The only thing I would have said to look out for is that it isn't against your house.

    If your concerned you can take out a form of payment protection insurance (but do some research) just to cover yourself in case anything was to ever happen.

    Hope this helps a little (sorry not great with the small print as so long since I took mine out)

  5. Apparently the new Xbox is going to be downloads only so you wont buy discs for the games anymore.

    Great thought initially, however you wont be able to buy pre-owned games anymore or do trade-ins at CEX, Game etc.

    I think the only way that this will really take off is if the games become ALOT cheaper as they dont have to mass-produce, but will be a shame to see the likes of Game and CEX go......

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