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random post about drugdealers and 306's?

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yep they do and all have silly kids going on about how many drug dealers they know :(

Drugs aint big or clever,infact they are fuckin stupid...kinda like the current conversation. But hey keep it up guys lets have a few more names, phone numbers and addresses please... you retards! :p

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yep they do and all have silly kids going on about how many drug dealers they know :(

Drugs aint big or clever,infact they are fuckin stupid...kinda like the current conversation. But hey keep it up guys lets have a few more names, phone numbers and addresses please... you retards! :p

this is the dude i carry the respect for. not for the people claiming they know slangers.

its effin up the modern world. regardless of the country drugs cause the problem.

but hey. lets compete to be the next scarface. it ended well for him didn't it? (i know its a movie but the point stands.)

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Cheers bud.

unlike many people i'm not a sheep who goes along with what the rest of the crowd says!

I have no time for drugs, junkies or the twats who sell the shit!

I send better things down the toilet when i have a dump than the scum that is fucking up the society we live in selling and buying this crap :p

All you guys who think it's cool and hard to know these arseholes need to remember when your ice/alloys/car gets nicked....9 times out of 10 it's these lowlife scummy twats who are doing it to fund their habit. :p:D

Lets cut the crap and start talkin cars and totty instead of this shit! :(

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completly respect your view Paul, i can't stand drugs either, but every one has their vices at the end of the day, some people it's alchol, some smoking (nicotine), some weed, some cars and some sex :(

bit harsh to judge people as third class just because they feel the need to pump chemicals into their bodies, you have to remember that everyone is different and there circumstances that lead to people getting into drugs other then because they think it's cool. (e.g getting hooked on anti-depressants or as an escape from a life of abuse).

yes there are some grubby people out there and 9/10 they are driven by their addiction, but thats exacly what it is, an addiction, not a choice that can just be switched on and off.

i don't think it's cool or hard to know people who do drugs, but at the same time i don't judge people souly on their bad points, because lets face it we all have some!

anywoo, back to the Cars and Totty :p

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