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RWD 4efte/5efte? Ep82 in cyprus

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to be honest,it would be pretty shit,spesh as the wheelbase is so short and its that high at the back....its like making a rwd mini...can see why they did it,bit of a laugh,but ws it really worth all the effort....

whats the benifit of this?donut and burnouts that all? i can see it being quicker than a fwd off the mark but only just as it has greater weight shifted over the rear wheels as its projected forward,but itll still spin and if anythin have greater transmision loss...

very cool and strange to see though,looks like a piece of shit though:)

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i always questioned if this was possible now i know, just imagine if you refined that a wee bit the craic you could have in it.

plus it now poses the question if dragging would be better straight this way than an ep82.

like if you caqn get a tdo4 ep82 holding a bar to do an 11.9 then what could you do with the same setup but with the power to the rear wheels?

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HANG on....11.9 td04 at 14.7 psi? pics or vid please...

sorry i meant 12.9 doh!

gaz said his was on the lowest settin on the back of his an he thought it was still pretty hi

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