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Just wondering what you all run on?? i go any where thats cheap tbh but recently saw a pic in a car mag what the unleaded does to the internals of a car....makes em go black n gooey etc. im considring switching over to super/v-max etc would it make a diff after 12yrs of the cars engine life? ive added 2 full bottles of redex since ive had it (noticeably better when idling) should i switch? im planning on keeping the car all the way through uni (5yrs ish) so there will be lots of motorway driving i usually sit at 70mph slightly more if i get the urge...... :p what you guys think? also put a new lambda in.

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in my opinion after a 12 year life and X thousand miles its still running strong. and i would guarantee that its never even sniffed at super.

but on the other side its like an extra 2.50 a tank for super, which is considerably low if it supplies you with peace of mind

out of curiosity, the car in the mag what was it? scooby? Evo?

i dumped a tank of super in my sportif when i got it and it made no noticable difference to the feel of the car

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it wont, u need to use it at least 3 or 4 times to wash all the other fuel out of the tank and the pipes, i have never used anything else other than V-Power even when i had the SR - i can feel the fact that the car is more responsive on it and there is no chance i am going to risk my car knocking!

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pinking/detting is when the fuel ignites before the spark plug fires.

and high octane fuel will not ignite as easily under compression as it can withstand more heat due to less contaminents.

its essential in high perfornace applications, for example if i ran 95 on mine, it would blow up in about 5 minutes. but on lesser modded cars where the egt isnt high, 95 ron is fine.

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its just done 71k i think??? myt just try a 2-3 tanks see what happens can`t hurt it to try? got half a tank left which has redex in when it runs out (light flashes) ill fill up with super...... :p

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i just used any old 95 ron shite in my old n/a...

an ive used v power in the v and tbh it run far better on esso super, so thats what its lived off for the last two years.

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