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yet another big rant from a gt turbo owner

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right im still pissed off and this happened like 2 yours ago.

started off me going home. then i thought o shit where is my phone. had to go 20 mins back to work (natwest business banking centre) and i went to my car parking space in the car park.

now i have a cap padle clutch and its proving quite temprimental at the moment as i sometimes have to rev the bollox off of it to get it to move and the car park being on a hill upwards i had to do it even more. so yer i can see it was loud. so i drove round to my space and all the time my turbo is fluttering everytime i have to stop for the speed bumps as my dump valve is also proving temprimental and only dumps at full boost. so flutters all the time.

found my phone was not where i thought it might have droped it at my sapace so then drove round back to the front.

when i parked up i had someone shouting out the window (stop driving like a prick) giving it the big man shit. (he is big but slightly fat) bigger than me any way. so i went inside to my area of the office and saw my phone and the big manager was still there as she never goes home she is like a robot. Any way i then turned round and had him right there having a go at me saying looking at my boss going your going to get fired if you drive like that. you could have smashed a car. he said ' I have witnesses saying your doing wheel spins and i saw you too driving like a boy racer. i said thats my engine i dont know what your going on about your so wrong. what ever mate think what you want. he then said i know what a dump valve is that wasnt a dump valve. i said its turbo flutter you fool. all the while im in front of my manager and its like a stand off between my and the security guard prick face wank stainn fat mofo who dont know shit lol.

so i just leave and he stays there talking to my manager. then i got home and though he is just putting me right in it. anyway i phoned her up saying he just has a chip on his sholder and is a jobs worth fool who doesnt know what he is on about and then started to explain i have a paddle clutch and a turbo which she probably though what the hell is he going on about. she then said well i dont know what happened but if it happens again i will have to follow it up. ohh my god!! that pissed me right off. i have had this problem before when i went to a camp site and nearly got chucked out before we ever got in. the guy was like you were doing wheel spins coming in to the site i was like no i didnt and we had a massive argument and then i left my car on in the car park and he said you have to turn it off i said its a turbo timer. then had to explain that then he was like i have a turbo car mine doesnt need that (mitsubushi pajero) i was like your car is crap thats why lol.

just wondered if anyone else has had this problem. sorry for the essay.

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quite an essay, but i feel for you man, these people should lay of a bit and get to know the facts...

instead of informing what that was about they start accusing you from the start!!

a mate of mine start talking crap about a car that passed us once because it was making major noise, he said: WTF what kind of a wanker installs such a loud exhaust on such an car!(can't even remember what it was). Truth was i was sure his exhaust pipe must have been cracked at the manifold, hence the noise.

just goes to show that people are very fast in talking shit about people or there car not knowing where the hell they talking about.

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People who don't have or aren't interested in modified cars will always have this attitude. Now point worrying. I get funny looks all the time, especially when I have to go really slow over speed bumps and people behind get pissed off, but they don't understand that my car is too low.

I should just ignore it mate

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Hmm Briggers mate even though the CAP pad is quite harsh, I can pull away fairly quietly without revving over 3k! Maybe yours just needs to bed in, but when I'm reversing into a space I do really have to rev it as my car loves stalling in reverse (don't ask me why, if you don't keep the revs well up it stalls) and I have set off quite a few car alarms as my exhaust is loud (and out the front). But no ones every said anything to me or come over, they've just ignored it lol. But yeah man that sucks! What a prick!

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you could take it to court if you needed to i would think, if your manager "followed it up" un-evenly and didnt play fair, you should be able to pleed against them sacking you for no reason.

but i must agree with tintin :D

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Sounds crap! But to Joe public who knows nothing about cars all they thing is ohh my god!! a boy racer etc etc.. If you were doing wheel spins where are the tyre marks for starters and tyre smoke? Proof no spinning of tyres.. Some people are just jealous you got a flashy car and try and piss you off.. if you really want to rub him up the wrong way just say I got a crap car, teh clutch is slipping so I need to rev it to give it the power to move otherwise it will stall.. that will probs shut him up cause he got what he want, you admitting you have a crap car and he will think yeah 1 - 0 to me.. But what does he know.. people like that I feel pitty for!

not worth getting yourself worked up about it, if it happens again just say its a crap car I need to do what I need to do.. and where is all the tyre smoke and tyre marks around the carpark? Bet he won't get proof! To deal with these sort of people who don't know anything just have to stoop to their level of thinking and jsut please them and rub their ego.. especially security guards.. reason why they became em is cause they couldn't get into the police force cause they are too fat or unfit hahah.. huge generalisation I know but you can tell which ones these are and which ones are the ones who become security cause they just want the quiet life rather than running around chasing robbers..

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