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Strange accelerating problem

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I took the car for a spin the other day. Was ever so slightly missing when i put my foot down and then after about 5 mins, after exiting a roundabout i give it some juice again, it started to accelerate nicely then at about 4-5k rpm the engine seemed to die, then pick back up, then die again. Engine management light came on and then i decided it was time to take her home. Havent been out in it since as im quite low on fuel too.

When i put my HKS SSQV on i accidently snapped the old BOV plate off the pipe. I glued that back on and it doesnt seem to leak. Ive now taken the HKS off and sold it. Only other things ive done is Install my HID kit and a new headunit.

I put it in the engine section as im not sure if its mechanical or electrical. Someone in work said it may be my battery ? . It did run flat after listening to the radio for 10 mins without the car running the other day but after a bump start and an idle for 10 mins, It all starts fine again, and did again today so im not sure.

Engine mods as far as i know are only

MOMO Oil filter

TRD Air Filter

Fujitsubo Exhaust

Ultra Power Leads

Denso iridium plugs

(Actuator is not adjustable and a kind of gold colour, Original i think)

I havent managed to get my boost guage setup yet to see what boost i have but i dont think its anything different than stock.

I surely cant be hitting fuel cut with only these mods ? And is fuel cut a persistent problem or does it only happen on the odd occasion ?

Thanks in advance guys.

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if you have a full exhaust and air filter you can hit fuel cut, but i think you would no if you hit fuel cut- it's like a sudden jolt or judder like the car doesn't want to go any further then you come off the revs and it's ok again unless you then boost obviously to fuel cut.

fuel cut doesn't go away, if the boost level is set high enough to hit it you always will until you lower it again.

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Well what u said about the jolt is exactly what i experienced.. To the letter.. But its the first time ive experienced it and ive driven it into boost many times. I saw somewhere, i think starlybruiser said that he doesnt disconnect the Hi/Lo mode function (swap the pipes) because when he does he gets fuel cut. Well mine is disconnected/re-routed. Maybe thats what it is.

Ive got a Jam FCD here should i install that ? or maybe see if i can replicate it again.

Thanks cl mate :lol:

P.S. Is there anyway to get it tuned etc ? to ensure the mixtures are correct/timing etc etc. Nothing performance wise, just health wise. I know you can get the mobile crypton tuning things. Can they check the engine to ensure its running right ? or can nothing be done unless i have a piggyback/emanage etc ?

Thanks all

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well removing the hi/low function will make 1st nd 2nd boost with no restrictions, what gear did you hit fuel cut in?- i think the most common gear to hit it in is 2nd but cant be sure on that.

you can fit the jam fcd no problem as it doesn't lean out the fuel mixture like the hks one does, but if you fitted it i would recommend getting a rrfpr at least then going to a rr and making sure it is fueling properly, you don't need a piggyback in the short term but if your upping the power a rrfpr wont be the most accurate or safest way to tune and fuel the engine but it will defiantly do the job you need it for.

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Could just be water on the plugs check and see if there is any down the spark plug chambers.

The first thing I would do, as Jay said is to get a boost gauge fitted, its one of the most important things to have in a turbo'd car.

You could also get the fuelling checked as it is now on a rolling road, a power run normally costs about 50-60 quid and will let you know how the car's performing and give you a base figure for improving on with any mods you do, plus it will give you peace of mind that all is ok now. :lol:

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Thanks for the help so far guys.. Ive managed to get some pipe for my boost guage so ill get that fitted 2moro and see what we have. I was going to take it on the RR near me just to see what power im getting as "stock" anyway. They can tell me if its running right or not then ? Wasnt sure.

Ill be getting a rrfpr in time when i get the actuator and up the boost so ill get it RR'd again then too. Yes i think it was 2nd gear it happened too.

There was a lot of water in plug 1 and 2 (3 and 4? im not sure.. Left hand side of the engine that isnt covered by the IC) when i first got the car because of the steam clean they did on the engine. Cleaned it all up and blew out the empty plug holes with an airline. May have another look again now tho just to make sure.

Again thanks.

Ill let you know of my findings :)

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Right guys. got the boost guage fitted but for some reason its not reading correctly. Its under 0 bar by a long way on idle and goes up to almost 0 when boosting. Is my guage naffed or have i done something wrong ? Also no signs of the "fuel cut" problem today. Just in 5th gear and constant acceleration upto over 4k sometimes the engine managment light comes on. Doesnt seem to happen in any other gear now today.. Very odd :)

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the boost gauge will read under 0 it's not until you put your foot down it will go up to around 0 mayb over then when you hit boost it should read what you are boosting at, check to line for leaks or crimps.

i have never hit fuel cut in 5th only ever in 2nd and 3rd but now i have my adjustable actuator i have wound the boost down a bit to stop it hitting etc, what happens when the engine light comes on in 5th- nothing? or...?

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Yea its boosting correctly.. Lights coming on etc. May not be 100% tight on the t-piece so ill check that 2moro when i get back from work. Strangely it hasnt hit Fuel cut now since that 1 day. Im also gonna try the guage without routing the pipe thru the dash just incase ive got it pinched somewhere. Ill be booking it in for a RR next month just for piece of mind.

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Nah id put money on it being me incorrectly or poorly piping it up :p .. Never doubted the guage for a second to be honest. Well after successfully smoking a new punto sporting today nothing seemed to go wrong. Perhaps it was maybe as the car hadnt been driven for a few months while sat at the docks and maybe just needed a clear out :( .. Ill get that guage done properly today and let u know what im boosting.

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Jus a quickie guys.. How loud is your standard re-circ ? mine isnt massivly loud but is easily hearable. Reason i ask is that when i took it off before to put my HKS on i snapped the mounting (piece that is attached to the main intake pipe) completely off and have had to superglue it back on, Im thinkin maybe theres a leak there somewhere and that is why my guage is showing incorrectly. Ive had a listen and a feel and cant see any air coming out, but obviously cant rev it and check it at the same time to see what its like when theres more pressure.

Any tips on what to use to seal it ? Can i get black silicone sealer to put around it ? Or any other ideas ?



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Right. Seems it was leaking as its now back to its subtle self (orig re-circ). Havent had chance to look at the guage to see if thats working but i have found something which seems to induce the engine management light. It seems to only happen at night and if its relativly cold outside. Temps of the engine is all fine. Is it because of the cold air being taken in ?

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Cheers for that jay.. I remember reading somewhere that colder air makes it more likely to hit fuel cut so perhaps thats it. The big question is now, Do i fit my Jam FCD ? Or do i need to get it RR'd first to see how things stand ?


P.S. On a side note i think i may still have a leak somewhere as the guage starts to build up when i accelerate then drops down again before picking up as i give it more throttle. Still doesnt come close to reading the correct bar/psi. But havent been able to look at it at full boost as im too busy concentrating on the next thing on the road lol.

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Yep it is fuelcut.. Got a new guage and hitting bout 12psi boost which is about .82 bar. Today ive ordered a Adjustable actuator and a RRFPR to go on with my Jam FCD ;)

Hopefully all should be good again.

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