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For all those who work with rude customers!

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For all who work with rude customers, what a shame we can't actually do this!

An award should go to the Virgin Airlines desk attendant in Sydney some

months ago for being smart and funny, while making her point, when

confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo.

A crowded Virgin flight was cancelled after Virgin's 767s had been

withdrawn from service. A single attendant was rebooking a long line of

inconvenienced travellers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to

the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, 'I HAVE to

be on this flight and it HAS to be FIRST CLASS'.

The attendant replied, 'I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try to help you,

but I've got to help these people first, and I'm sure we'll be able to

work something out.'

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers

behind him could hear, 'DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?'

Without hesitating, the attendant smiled and grabbed her public address

microphone: 'May I have your attention please, may I have your attention

please', she began - her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal.

'We have a passenger here at Desk 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If

anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Desk 14.'

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at

the Virgin attendant, gritted his teeth and said, 'F... You!'

Without flinching, she smiled and said, 'I'm sorry, sir,

but you'll have to get in line for that too.'

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my mum works on the tills in homebase on tues and thurs, she is forever complaining about the pricks that come through the tills

man I can understand how she feels at work, up to 2 months ago I worked as a shop assistant and people just treated me like sh*t back then.

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That was class :)

I work in a petrol station part time while at college and the, excuse me, ARSEHOLES that come in do my box in.

We had this conversation on here a couple of months ago i believe shelly started it and i was talking about a rude customer that had come in to the garage, well two days after posting that comment i had another customer come in and i had to pull him up about using the no means of payment book as a tick book.

He did not like being pulled up so he made the biggest mistake in punching me so i gave him a tanking in the garage and a customer had to pull me off him. its on cctv aswell :) and the police said it was ok because he clearly came behind the counter and punched me so police said i was within my rights to defend myself.

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