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northern ireland members help

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there is a debate going on in another forum to do with the laws they are trying to bring in where you aint allowed to modify your car in anyway or it wont be road legal. can the isish members confirm this law is already in place in ireland ?????

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but what about the chief or police or whoever he is who owns a nice BMW an decides to change the wheels to better looking ones. thats modifying,are they goin to take that car off the road?? (just as an example)

it wont happen

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what is pod gonna do? the run what you brung days are gonna be for posh tossers in they're porkers.

i cant believe theyre even thinking of doing this...

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What a bastard!

Heard they tried to do this modification ban earlier in the year and it finally happened down south!

The proposed law has too many contradictions and hypocrisms tho...

What is legal and what the fark is not?

Some cars come with sports additions as standard...

Don't know how the fark it went ahead down south?

But I'm sure some dudes down there are still in the scene.

Way of out of order if the law comes into place over here!

Just getting into it as well!

Peace Out


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