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is this just me !

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God I hate that too, when people dont understand how to merge 2 lanes into 1.

When I leave work, there's 2 lanes that go straight at the round about, and time and time again people sit in the lane of traffic, so I go past in the empty lane to go straight. Then people hate letting you in, and then sit up your arse. Makes me laugh, cause the rule is that you have to merge.

But I have the last laugh, as I don't spend half an hour sitting in the queue.

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God I hate that too, when people dont understand how to merge 2 lanes into 1.

When I leave work, there's 2 lanes that go straight at the round about, and time and time again people sit in the lane of traffic, so I go past in the empty lane to go straight. Then people hate letting you in, and then sit up your arse. Makes me laugh, cause the rule is that you have to merge.

But I have the last laugh, as I don't spend half an hour sitting in the queue.

^ skiipping queues is the way forward :harhar:


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It's weird, i dont really get this happenin to me. i dont know if it's because people dont know wot my car is or they just think it's a piece of c**p because of the paint job lol. It tends to b me havin a go at cooper s's or 182's etc

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