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Been kicked out the damn house....

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This last 2 weeks couldnt get any worse, firstly me and my gf split up for what i can see absolutley no reason appart from "she cant be arsed" after over a year with her in a strong stedy relationship, then I find out the 5zigen exhaust i was selling had a fair few holes in it, so was down £100 on the sale as obviously coudldnt continue to sell it as a good exhaust, then it snows and i cant get to college so their on the verge of kicking me out for it, then i get kicked out the house all because my grandparents are two of the most difficult people imaginable, their two old people that moan no one helps them and when you do its wrong and never good enough, their very selfish. VERY frustrating to deal with them as they dont listen to anything from anyone.

So im now officaly well and truely homeless, embarassing and very shitty but thats life. Not a nice feeling as i know theres no where else i can go at all. So im hopping back and forth from my mums house and my dads, neither places i can stay permanently.

Just wondering do any of you guys know what housing associations (sp?) i can get in touch with to get sorted out with ASAP in South Wales area?? Otherwise im going to be really screwed to be honest.

What a b*stard. [/end of moaning lol]

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Mate i work for the council where i live i advise you approach the council they will have a homeless team,

we cater for homeless people by providing temporary shelterd housing until times the council can provide them with a house.

ie you would be put on the housing list which is normaly quite a big list, some special cases can boost you up the list .. but your not a single pregnant chick sadly. what to do is get your self down to the local housing office mate, let them know your situation and they will give you the forms and so to fill in. no doubt it will be an option of areas but if you have the oppertunity of a house take it!! as many folk wait a LONG time.

hope this info helps :D


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i give all kinds of loven :D ,

The councils dont turn away homeless people so they will see sure that your put up.. not sure if they will 100% put you in temporary shelterd housing as your living back and forth in your parents home, that might not be a bad case also as they may push for getting you a home as soon as possible as your putting other people out of joint.

so both ways youll still have a roof over your head mate.

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just read this now!!

thats brutal bud, i feel for you :D .

yup defo go to the council they will get you sorted out mate, and if i stayed in south wales id put u up until u got sorted or az long as u wanted :D

all the best bud


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Wow thats shit mate! My parents kicked my sister out the other day, but then she deserved it!

Its hard living in a house when it's not your own, because you have to follow other peoples rules all the time. But I am sure they love you, and will change their mind eventually.

Hope it gets sorted!

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i give all kinds of loven ,

The councils dont turn away homeless people so they will see sure that your put up.. not sure if they will 100% put you in temporary shelterd housing as your living back and forth in your parents home, that might not be a bad case also as they may push for getting you a home as soon as possible as your putting other people out of joint.

so both ways youll still have a roof over your head mate.

Thanks for your good advice, may need to message you at some point if thats ok? lol

Much appreciated mate

Thats shit knews mate, really feel for you, cant imagine being like that must be hard

Oh and on the gf side of things, better off without them IMO

Thanks Lew mate, no its not too good for sure. And her? Well im not so sure, i go a real as*hole when i havent got my gf (or a gf) i go completely off the rails for some reason. Dunno why. :D

You have my permission to slap me if i do and you noticed it!!! lol haha

Yeah, as Ross has said, get on the council list, tell them you are now reduced to sleeping in your car.

Will do mate, cheers, and i did infact sleep in my car the other night, woke up and the snow was up the sides of the GT :D was pretty cold that night for sure.

just read this now!!

thats brutal bud, i feel for you.

yup defo go to the council they will get you sorted out mate, and if i stayed in south wales id put u up until u got sorted or az long as u wanted

all the best bud


Cheers mate, greatly appreciated for your kind words. Will be sorting it out asap, otherwise i really will have to live up to the old mock "do the south wales valleys people still live in caves?" YES I DO!!! haha.

Hunter gatherer........with a GT parked outside the cave!! LOL

Wow thats shit mate! My parents kicked my sister out the other day, but then she deserved it!

Its hard living in a house when it's not your own, because you have to follow other peoples rules all the time. But I am sure they love you, and will change their mind eventually.

Hope it gets sorted!

Yeah tis pretty shit for sure.! tis a bloody pain at this time of the year too, if it was the summer i would whack my tent up and i would love it but far too cold at the moment. Cheers :D

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Thanks for your good advice, may need to message you at some point if thats ok? lol

Much appreciated mate

Yeah mate, fire away.. if you need any more info i can look into it for you.

sorry to be insensitive... but why are you posting this on a public forum?

Yeh it is insensitive... and a bit BLATANTLY OBVIOUS what the lads doin.. hes looking for advice.

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sorry to be insensitive... but why are you posting this on a public forum?

Maybe because he doesn't quite know what leg hes standing on and where to look for help.

Surely if you were in this position, not knowing what to do, you would also ask for some advice.

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best of luck mate.

similar thing happened to friend of mine, kind of worst case scenario but it could come to it.

he had a really nice civic vti, it came to the point he was too stuck and he bit the bullet and sold the car, used the cash to rent a place. hes now back on his feet, still at college and part time working. he managed to buy a little fiesta and then managed to upgrade a while after to a nice wee vtr. he is currently looking to get another vti or glanza.

things like this can happen, just keep your chin up and do what has to be done, if that means selling the GT buddy u may have to bite the bullet.


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