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Alarm Recomendations...?

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Just read the thread below about alarms and realised i'll need one fitting to the Glanza for insurance purposes (and general piece of mind) so what are you guys using?

Obviously it needs to be CAT 1, and im guessing it'll include an immobiliser..

What else is there to look for? what's the deal with running one with a turbo timer fitted?

And does anyone have one with remote start?

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i have the clifford avant guard 5.5 and they fitted s relat at the same time so that the turbo timer doesnt affect things but you can lock your doors with the key thrn when the timer has finished counting down you can arm the alarm. you can also get remote start for this


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Ive got a Toad Ai606 and its awesome.. cost me £250 fitted.. alarm goes of if you even try and jack the car up a tiny bit.. I think this 1 also works with Turbo timers and im sure you can add remote start to it..

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Im running a Viper 480xv

Built in turbo timer so you can fully arm the car with the turbo timer running, CAT 1, comes with a remote with LCD screen so you can check if you have locked the car when you tweak out and think you havnt. I added proximity sensors so it bleeps if anyone goes near it. Not a single problem in over a years use. Can add remote start, garage opener, total closure etc etc etc.

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yea the viper was my 2nd choice.. has a pager too right ?

These are both gettable for £300 ish mate i imagine.. and both great alarms.. Im not sure but the clifford may be a bit more expensive.

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Can you set that alarm to arm automatically when the turbo timer turns off, so you dont have to wait by the car for like 15-30 seconds?

And how much did that cost you fitted dude?

yeh you can but i havent got it like that just incase i get the keys locked in the car :thumbsup: it costed about £400 fitted

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