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Dauda Caca Chavie

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As some of you may know I work as a 'team leader' at my local Odeon cinema part time while im at uni

Recently with the release of Paranormal Activity there has been a sudden mass invasion of dirty gypo/chavy/towney/scum...

Anyway yesterdays 16 hour shift proved no different to any other since the film was released

One of the larger more interesting events of the day was removing a group of 6 of the above from a screen for being well noisy inconsiderate chavy wankers.

For anyone who goes to an Odeon or probably any other cinema around the country the staff are supposed to check on people fucking about, warn them then kick them out which if the wankers disrupting the film are sitting in between loads of people in a busy screen or sitting right down at the front (the doors are at the back) its a royal pain in the ass to hear wether their being noisey or locate where they are with the huge surround sound system the screen has

Generally this film has been a rather more roudy film than most due to 90% of the audience being large groups of 15-20year olds

So anyway after numerous warnings and I myself having to waste my time watching this particular group of scum and them being made aware they were being watched they seemed to calm down and I left leaving one of my staff keeping an eye on them.

After I left the screen one of the dirty gypo wankers stood up in plain sight of everyone (they were sitting at the front)and shouted at the top of her voice 'Dauda Caca Chavie!'

Anyway we booted them out and once they were out of the screen they decided to kick off thankfully just as security arrived.

The lads made themselves scarce leaving 2 malnurished runty looking girls and a big fat one who looked like shed just canabalised her last 5 offspring...

She then decided she wanted her food and drink she'd left in the screen (stupid fat prick)

To solve the problem and get the wankers to leave i pleasantly offered

'I'll go in and get it for you'.

To which she replied 'I don't want you touching my stuff, tou might of gone for a piss and not washed your hands...'

(She probably hadn't fucking washed in months and she was a fat fucking slob!

And she was trying to tell me I was that unhigenic!)

She was then laughed down by myself and the 2 security gaurd.

Before eventually fucking off

But it's been bugging me since yesterday and its really starting to irritate me now

So my question to UKSC is:

what the fuck Does 'Dauda Caca Chavie' mean...?

Has anyone got any idea?

(I genuinely have no idea how it would be spelt and after browsing the net for 5 minutes I gave up)

Although I did find this on UrbanDictionary.com which was quite funny:


Someone who thinks they are the greatest/hardest person in the world. The whole community hate themCommon phrases:


2. Phat

3. Innit mush

4. Yeah bruv

5. Get in there ma boi!

6. Think your hard mush?

7. What you lookin' at grebo!

Rough translation into modern english:

1. I am gay

2. That is good within statistical boundaries

3. Yes fellow companion

4. I agree with your aspects

5. Well done my associate!

6. I am *harder* than you becuase i have an obsurd fashion sense

7. I would prefer not to be stared at by someone who has a goal in life or a job as this reminds me how stupid I look

Well done to anyone who has bothered to read all of this :p

I just wanted to get it off my chest I suppose :p

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lol read all of it but i cant shed any light on what the hell that phrase means. its weird how neds / chavs are almost a completely different species to everyone else.

kinda like someone tried to do some reverse evolution experiment to prove thats how we were made and it went terribly wrong and now they cant stop people born from the original experiment from goin backward.

i feel i took that a bit far but whatever :p

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i went to see this a few days ago and we was wondering why it was full of big groups of chavs half of them was underage aswell i just presumed they was giving free cinema tickets out at schools or something does anyone know why the film attracts all the twats?

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Yeha I definatly agree their just scum

N no idea why it does attract them possibly because it makes them feel good seeing people in a somewhat worse situation than they themselves are in

I really think they should make the next Saw about chavs

Seeing Jigsaw fuck up some pikeys would make one hell of an awesome film! I think it would destroy everything at the box office :p

I feel i took that a bit far but whatever :p

Not to far off but to complex mate :p

Think about it this way,

If your born into a family with nice loving parents, who have a good morals and have worked hard with a reasonable education and have strived to make the best of their lives as well as to provide for themselves and you.

Then your set.

As that would be a caring family, filled with love and happness.

(Not in all cases but even in broken homes people still turn out fine because they've bin through it and overcome it as a step in life)

Then you get the Pikey / Ned / Chavy / Townie type people

Usually they live on a concil estate and are from a poor family more than likely to be jobless and on income support with a low education as well as no drive to change their ways and work for a living. With parents that seem to care little about them so they become ferile youths and because they cant express themselves and their disapointment with their lives they compare themselves to the rest of society who seem to be doing fine, driving nice cars living in nice houses etc they feel hard done by.

Which they are to be honest I generally feel sorry for them and because of a poorly educated family they recieve no inspiration or prase when they do well in school and they dont bother with it as it seems like a waste of their time because they dont understand that money is everything

And in order to earn money and make your way successully in life you need to have an education to be able to comunicate with and undertand people and have both tolerance and pacience with others.

But due to the fact that these people arn't educated to a high enough level and are lacking what we see as common sence they run riot feeling hard done by taking it out on everyone and everything through aggressive behavious and violence which seems to be they only way they can get across their anger and frustration at being lower class citizens.

As well as to make themselves feel better when they see others lying on the floor covered in blood or in pain by their hand as it makes them feel powerful and superior etc

Which then leads them to find kindrid spirits also lost and confused in the same situation and because they are all 'hard done by' they stick together and as such stand against modern society.

In my opinion the only way to make the problem go away is sterilise them.

So they cant breed and bring their children up in the same way.

As the saying goes 'an old dog cant learn new tricks' so after years of living their life like this there is no way for them to overcome it as its so ingrained in them.

But thats just my opinion through having numerous run ins with them and being beaten up having my stuff stolen and just generally coming into contact with them

And this isn't a dig at everyone who lives in a council house or has grown up with a bit of a chavy background.

Just the small minority who are the dregs on society that cause others frustration and sadness

Sorry if I've gone off on one agan :p

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i feel that was a more sensible approach than mine :p. i agree with you on the feeling sorry for themselved part kinda because i think that they will grow up and realise shit I've fucked up but then i think about it some more and realise , no , they will probably still be the same numpty when they are 40 causing trouble etc etc etc.

have you ever tried to tell a ned or chav what you just said above. that would be interesting to see. might confuse them a bit though

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its about education, health promotion and support - we need more of it in the society we live in!!

and I think the phrase 'Dauda Caca Chavie' means:-

I'm a dirty little fucking skank with no aspiration in life but to be a jobless, leeching, ill-educated dumbfuck who squanders off the national insurance that everyone else has to contribute to!!

with that i bid you goodnight and happier times at the sinbo (cinema :p )

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Seeing as the mentality of the typical "Yoof" has barely matured past their embryotic stage, perhaps you heard it slightly wrong, and it was "Dada Caca Chavvy", as in he's calling out for his daddy (the mommy is busy making other kids) cause he did a caca, and is a Chavvy

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:( Responces :p

I think the phrase 'Dauda Caca Chavie' means:-

I'm a dirty little fucking skank with no aspiration in life but to be a jobless, leeching, ill-educated dumbfuck who squanders off the national insurance that everyone else has to contribute to!!

Thats definatly a bang on point!

But you dont need them to say 'Dauda Caca Chavie' to work that out from the grimey malnurished pricks etc they've got it written all over them already :(

Seeing as the mentality of the typical "Yoof" has barely matured past their embryotic stage, perhaps you heard it slightly wrong, and it was "Dada Caca Chavvy", as in he's calling out for his daddy (the mommy is busy making other kids) cause he did a caca, and is a Chavvy


Quite possibly where it all origionated from :p

Duada caca chavie = "My face is not satisfied with the pitiful amount of salt on ones popcorn"

They were to poor n brought kababs from the local scum hole instead of popcorn buy our rip off popcorn... :p

One way to slowly kill them off...

Extortionate prices ftw!

'oh lord cast your eyes on that chav, as you smite them and bring down your thunderous wrath upon the heathen scum'

I like that version better :p

I know daudie or sumin like this is supposed to mean something good?

Maybe the fucked up dirty pikey slurr made daudie sound like dauda?

And Riko suggested caca like cack as in shit

So could it mean 'Good shit chavy'?


I still prefer the above few translations :p

@ Jason - Go find out!

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