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Found The Creeking, Steering...

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wooo, finally, ive worked out were that annoying bloody creeking was coming from!!

basically im just looking for some reasurance please. lol.

when you spin the steering wheel its creeking,

i had it lowered 3weeks ago, all was fine, then a week later the creeking started, went back had the tracking looked at again, noise went away...

then a week later the noise is back.

also now the steering wheel is off centre.it was bang inline went he tracking was done. basically im wanting someone to say its because theyve not trightened somethign up proply rather than it being some expensive repair.

or could ti possibly be the rubber at the botom of the steering rack? if it has one, i know my mini did. cheers guys.

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It sounds like they have left something loose if the steering wheel has automatically gone off centre.

As for the creaking, I think it's the top mount on the suspension - going from personal experience and I have read about others with the same problem and cure.

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It sounds like they have left something loose if the steering wheel has automatically gone off centre.

As for the creaking, I think it's the top mount on the suspension - going from personal experience and I have read about others with the same problem and cure.

it myt be your steering belt. ma mate had that n he got the belt changed because it ended up snappin. it woz fine after that

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Your spring is creaking, it should go away, or it could be the rubber seat which the spring sits against. WD40 top and bottom of spring and see does it go away. Also if the man was dumb/lazy enough not to tighten the balljoint nuts I'd pull up to another mechanics and ask him what the creeking is.

You might think I'm over reacting, but a few more miles you would have crashed and died. And he'd would be up for accidental manslaughter or whatever. Woooooooooooo!

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ill try the wd40 then mate, the creeking has gone now. after tightened them 2nuts up, just a little squeek on the fornt right now, which shud just be what you were describing before. yea the guy who fitted the suspension wasnt the guy i wanted working on it to be honest, but theres 5mechanics at the garage i take my car too. will ask 4 the usualy guy to look after it next time.

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