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Right hopefully you will understand were i am coming from better then my old man does!! As just had a massive argument with him as he thinks im talking shit haha Quite alot of explaining by i will try my best haha.....

Basically im insured at the moment on my Swift with Direct line i've sold the car but kept the policy running to get a another years no claims bonus as i thought my insurance was due to expire on the 1st of April i was happy to wait until then before insuring the GT,

But i looked at my insurance certificate and it doesn't run out until the 25th of May, Which im not willing to wait that long before getting on the road,

I am going to be getting insurance with Elephant when it come's to insuring the GT as they are the cheapest for me by a long way, Now basically i've been getting quote's for when i have 2 years ncb and it works out Fully comp with £350 Excess, £827.95

I Just went and got a quote with them for when i have held my license for 1year and 9months which i have and with 1 years ncb it come's back at £1007.45 Fully comp, again with £350 Excess,

Now im thinking i may aswel phone up direct line cancel my insurance and get Reimbursed the Money for the next 2 and abit months Which will cancel out the Extra money i would be paying to insure the car now with just 1 years ncb,

Now my dad seems to think that Insurance company's do not Reimburse your money if you cancel insurance before the Year is up, But a few of my mate's have had 9 month's reimbursed before and i checked on directline's website and they even say they do but charge you £29.95 for doing so,

So to me it make's sense to just cancel my Policy with Directline get Reimbursed the money for the next 2 and abit months (Aprox. £190 after the £29.95 fee) and then start a Brand new policy with Elephant

What do you all think ?

My dad also started the argument that the starlet is constantly going to be blowing up because there all little Japanese boy racer car's ect, But my argument back is.. And what is the Skyline then and he shuts up haha

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You could start your policy with elephant early.

I'm with Bell (basically the same people) and I was in the same position. I had sold my old car then had my years ncb coming up.

Bell told me I could start my insurance with them before my ncb because they didnt need proof of me having it for like 30 days.

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I wont have 2 years ncb for another 2 and a bit months though thats the only thing, So i think im going to have to start a fresh policy and cancel my current one,

In a way i won't be paying any extra then i would if i wait until May as the money i get back from canceling my directline policy will cancel out the Extra i will have to pay to insure the car now, It will just mean that next year when i come to renewing i will only have 2 years ncb instead of 3

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