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Dodgy Speedometer Needle

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I've been having issues with my speedometer needle since purchasing my car, and I believe damage could of been done by the previous owner whilst fitting a MPH facia. Basically the needle doesn't seem to have tension to return itself to the 0 setting and often the needle, even while stationary doesn't drop below 10mph although if you tap the cover it does move down slightly. I have just ordered a proper cable operated converter and want to re-fit the original KMH speedo facia, but obviously I want to sort the needle out in the process.

Has anyone got any suggestions of how I can fix it, or is it something I'll have to get someone more experienced to do? I guess it depends what it is, at this moment in time I am only guess but any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Still having issues with this although in partly due to something else now.

I tryed to change the facia plate on my EP91 Glanza V from the replaced MPH one to the original KMH facia, I'm doing this as I now have a proper cable operated converter which I'm waiting to put in after I change the facia.

I've always had an issue with my speedo however where the needle seems so stick, it doesn't ever seem to go back down to 0 when it should do and it tends to stick at varying places. I was told it could be catching on the facia but after having looked tonight I can't see that it does.

This however is only part of the issue as when I came to removing the needle, to change the facia I couldn't seem to get the needle off. I was told it is just a push fit, but I had to exert a fair amount of force and it still didn't seem to want to come out, but equally I didn't want to break it. Is there something I am missing? Is it possible that whoever originally changed the facia damaged the needle?

Also, I'm just concerned about the fuel gauge which I accidentally caught the needle on.. I didn't remove it, just touched it slightly in the process of trying to remove the speedo needle. I made sure it was roughly where it was, could I have cocked this up or will it settle back to where it needs to be on its own?

Many thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks again.

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