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Gizzmo Boost Controller Help!

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hi guys, fitted my gizzmo boost controller and i carnt for the life of me work out how to actuly set the boost to what i want, had to get the instructions off the internet, heres the link http://www.gizzmoelectronics.com/pdf/MS_IBC_Ver_2.0.pdf

they realy are bloody hard to get to grips with, dont know weather its just me having a blonde day, at the moment im not realy arsed about all the other settings at the mo, just want the boost setting so i can drive it.

any help would be good!

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hiya mate, if i remember correctly the setting which dictates how much boost the car will run is what you set the duty cycle at. this will be a number from 1-100 start off low and increase it until you are boosting to the desired boost level.

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hiya mate, if i remember correctly the setting which dictates how much boost the car will run is what you set the duty cycle at. this will be a number from 1-100 start off low and increase it until you are boosting to the desired boost level.

il have a look 2moro see what i can make of it, gave the car a good clean just for you mate!lol, thers some pics in the members ride section, booked in for its MOT now aswel!

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haha you mean haylz did lol. yeah i seen the pics on here and cwc good work. mine needs the dust wiped off it. i pushed it out the garage a few weeks ago to wash it and let it dry and when i came back it was covered in bird shit the little fuckers.

its just the menu system is annoying on them boost controllers. im sure it will be easy once you have the hang of it. you've basically got the duty cycle which sets the boost and the gain which sets how fast the solenoid reacts. then theres the settings like warning and stuff.

your going to be running an external wastegate arent you? what spring will it come with it? when you get the td04 on i would just run it around .5 bar and get it mapped as soon as you can.

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there well easy to set up lol. its just 2 buttons on the box.

basically your bottom button selects your channels e.g chanel 1 chanel 2 etc for different boost settings.

hold down button 2 (bottom) and will say closed/open. set to what you want, then push both of the buttons and your duty cycle will pop up. (this is what boost you want). you have to play around with this as this is diferent to every1. then push both button again and your gain (how early boost to come on) again different to every one. then push both button again and your back to the start where you can start boosting :lol:. if your not reaching your desired boost do hold bottom button down again to go thru the settings. hope this helps lol.

oh this is for the ms-ibc with 6 channels and blue led

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