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Hey guys,

I was driving back from a friends gig tonight and a camera which was facing me flashed, although there were cars in the opposite lane going past.

When I looked at the speedo I was just over the speed limit. Now can a front facing camera flash me? And shall I be recieving a fine in the morning??

I hope not :)



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Probably wont get it in the morning, but no doubt sometime this week if it was flashing you. If you have ways to prove the other road users were faster, then you can dispute your thoughts on them being faster than you - then they should surely look into the other registration thats been taken by the camera.

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Yeh it was a gatso. There were no markings on my side of the road, but were on the other side.

not too sure what a gatso is, but if its one of the cameras with the red flash, then it will get ya, if its a normal white flash it wont, as it will reflect your plate an wont read it.

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gatso are the most common ones big blue poll yellow box, white flash, my uncle got caught once by a gatso and he was driving towards it with no lines on the road and sure enough within 28 days he got a letter, points and a fine

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Gatso aren't supposed to flash you oncomming due to it being a distraction etc, if there was no markings on your side of the road i'd go with someone else set it off and you just happened to be going through at the same time.

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Gatso aren't supposed to flash you oncomming due to it being a distraction etc, if there was no markings on your side of the road i'd go with someone else set it off and you just happened to be going through at the same time.

I hope that's the case then. I must admit the flash was slightly blinding.

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just quickly read up on these cameras and you wont get a ticket because they only have the ability to take pictures from behind they cannot take them head on, they flash because they have a wide sensor that can pick up on speeding cars coming the other way, but no photo will be taken, hope this helps lol

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Gatso aren't supposed to flash you oncomming due to it being a distraction etc, if there was no markings on your side of the road i'd go with someone else set it off and you just happened to be going through at the same time.

just quickly read up on these cameras and you wont get a ticket because they only have the ability to take pictures from behind they cannot take them head on, they flash because they have a wide sensor that can pick up on speeding cars coming the other way, but no photo will be taken, hope this helps lol

the above comments in bold are the ones you need mate. you wont get a ticket cause they catch the traffic running away from them not oncoming traffic as if it was directly facing you and flashed its a huge distraction and possibly quite dangerous :)

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GATSO cameras cant be used against you if you where traaveling towards it, ive went through a few going the wrong way and its never got back to me. i remember reading something about it bieng illegal to take a pic of your face or something?

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A mate got flashed on the opposite side of the road, nothing came through for him - so you should be fine.

From what I've gathered, no white lines on floor, no way of proving speed.

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gatso are the most common ones big blue poll yellow box, white flash, my uncle got caught once by a gatso and he was driving towards it with no lines on the road and sure enough within 28 days he got a letter, points and a fine

2night when its dark mate go outside with ya camera take a pic with the flash on. an try reading your registration.

you can make them flash when your driving towards them, ive done it plently of times makes the people going the other way think it was them .lol

you shud be fine mate. as i said unless its the camera with the red flash.

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I've done some research and Gatso's are only meant to take snaps of a vehicles rear, where as a truvelo camera is setup to take snaps from the front.

"The forward facing Truvelo camera system is designed to take photographs of the front of a passing vehicle, this allows the picture taken to show the driver of the vehicle as well.

To avoid the 'flash' which is given out by a rear facing Gatso camera the Truvelo system uses an infra red flash which produces no visible 'flash' to the approaching driver. These rely on 3 white-lines in the road, painted just before the camera, and are triggered by strips in the road, used to gain the vehicles speed."

edit: The truvelo is the one with the big blue poll, with the yellow box. So nazzurro19, your uncle most probably got snapped by this?

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At the end of the day it's your vehicle, not toms, dick or harry - so one knows who the driver is.

It is only a matter of distinguishing the driver, so therefore if you have no one to grass on, then the circumstances are dire. Face it, there are forward and rear facing cameras in this money making word, oh, and neither are illegal as they are enforced by so called authority.

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The camera near me which is a grey poll and yellow box doesn't flash oncoming vehicles either.

It has the white lines on both sides of the road though so people think it works both ways, seen many police cars and ambulances go down in front and never flashed and before i got my 3 points did 60 past it :)

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