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dunno if this is the right section but here it goes lol

I've just started to get an oil leak and it looks like its coming from the turbo but while i was lookin I've noticed a build up of oil under my bonnet were my dump valve is :) so then i decided to take my top mount off and theres a build up oil in there aswell and in the pipe work any one got any ideas why this could be. the cars not smoking or anything

gonna take the turbo off tomorra and have a look for the oil leak any ideas what could be causing this any help would be appreciated ^_^



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im sure that there should be a very thin layer of oil in the intercooler and pipes but i mean only a thin layer, i could be wrong. how much oil is around you dumpvalve? has it just seeped out?

as for your leak im sure it can only be your return pipe or feed..have a look under your car and check, mite just want the nuts pinching up. always worth a try i guess :)


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Could be a problem with turbo seals, or it could be an engine problem, how much oil is coming out of the dumpvalve, there shouldnt be any oil in the intercooler pipes really, & as for the oil leak were abouts on the turbo is it coming from, as it could be a crack in the feed pipe, I would get a compression test done aswell just to be sure the engines ok.

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thats was i was thinking the turbo seals. its not much oil just a little bit and just thin layer in the pipes. i done a compression test a few weeks ago because I've got a misfire aswell between 3/4000 revs which I've tried everything to get rid of and i dunno wa it is im thinking the engine. I've looked under the car but yah cant really see were its cuming from to be honest theres oil all over off it.



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