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Front Mount Airfilter

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alrite lads,

Couple of questions for people more in the no here,

Im getting a 98spec front bumper tomorrow and will be getting the lip to but i am cutting out the middle as if i had a front mount intercooler (which i wont as its an n/a) but i want the gap to be filled so my questions are..

could i get a regular front mount and direct the air solely to the throttle body (like a massive induction kit )

or what do people think of these i found it on ebay


worried about the warning towards the bottom saying this is for show use only ( i know there probably just covering themselves but it has me worried)

I currently have a cone filter with the standard cold air feed left in would i see any performance decrease with such long piping to the throttle body or is it safe to do this

think i remember seeing idrees or someone was thinking of doing this a long time ago

please no comments about it not actually being a turbo, i dont care if it doenst live up to the asusmptions people will make about it as i wont be raicng or whatever and this is solely for the aestethics with some functional use (dont want to just have it placed there with no use either)

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You would have to have a filter on one end of the fmic. Im not sure if you would get any power gains

could it not be possible to have the intercooler act as the filter and have the 2 pipes meet into 1 and then into where the filter would be usually?

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well no because the intercooler doesent draw air in through the fins, youd be blocking your throttle body up if anything.

if its just for looks then just mount a cheap core on the front.

ive seen someone do it before with an air filter at one end of the core then pipework to the throttle bodie, i proper LOL'd :)

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Black mesh, job done, save youself the embarrassment :)

My mate has his Fiesta ST supercharged and when he takes the charger off for servicing he just sticks the filter on the one end of the intercooler though rather than remove it all, doesnt seem to go anywhere lol

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