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Need some help, bit confuzzzzzled!

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Hey all!

I've been reading about Fuel Cut on the forums... I'm looking to upgrade mani, de-cat, FMIC, relocate air filter and increase boost to safe level for stanard CT9 (0.85 isn't it)?

To prevent fuel cut, and to get the best out of the mods, im looking to get a piggyback ECU (Jam), is it correct that these can't be mapped or have i miss-understood something along the way?

If it can be mapped, would i need to get a Fuel Cut defender, or would the re-map sort this out? If not would the best option be en emanage ECU?

As much help and info as possible would be much appreciated!


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the JAM ecu's are standalone i think bud so they are self mapping and just need to be plugged in

eminage ultimate or eminage blue are piggy back ecu's i believe and they will need to be mapped

both will get rid of fuel cut.

is this the lad that came to ollies on saturday along with ralphy?

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The Jam ecus are standalone not piggy backs if I'm right in thinking. They also get rid of the fuel cut so you would not have to buy an FCD and you're right they cant be remapped but dont really need to be.

Emanage would be the best option in my opinion as you can get them remapped.

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You won't need a FCD or anything with a JAM/Blitz ECU, they remove fuel and speed cut. They self learn to some extent, to adjust themselves to your setup. They are perfect for CT9/hybrids and even TD04

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Many thanks, you guys are great. I just needed it all to be clarrified : )

So if i was to get Standalone ECU, would the increase in BHP be the same if i was to get and emanage mapped? Or would the emanage mapped show alot more of an increase?

What do you guys recommend for the mods that i'll be doing?

And yeah that was me Ryan, how did it all go in the end? How come you didn't go to bluewater jap meet?

Thanks for all the help. Tobie

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if your staying ct9, id go standalone, because by the time you've bought the eminage, got it mapped it will be roughly the same price

but if your planning on a bigger turbo in the future go eminage ultimate, because you can have that 1 remapped i think

ive heard quite a few good things about the motec piggybacks aswell but unsure wether they are re-mappable

and it went well cheers dude, got them swapped over pretty quickly after you left. we didnt go because we had been up since half 6 that morning and wouldnt have got home till well after 12, if we had more notice of the meet we would have stayed.

glad i didnt though, because something went wrong whilst driving home, and my car developed a misfire :/

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Guys stop saying standalone, they're just plug and play ECUs :)

Proper standalones are HKS F-Con and Apexi Power FC etc that need to be mapped!

For your mods, a plug and play ECU would be good enough, there's no point getting an E-Manage mapped for such a basic spec! A JAM/Blitz will cope with future mods and won't lose value

Have a read around on the forum mate this topic has been covered a million times :)

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