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In the middle of spraying wing mirrors

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im in the middle of spraying my wing mirrors off my n/a. Im using spray cans i got from halfords. i have the primer finished and got a good result but I've put on the 1st coat of paint and tried to apply it thinly however one of the mirrors has 3 or 4 large paint drips ... is there a way to remove these from the paint work without starting all over again. I am a novice when it comes to this and need the help of someone more in the know..... could i give them a v.light sand once this coat dries or would the next 2/3 coats cover these up.

help here would be greatly appreciated lads.

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Id of thought they would cover them dude, but becareful when trying to spray over them as ive dont this many of times and ended up with runs :lol: id say another 2-3 coats with a 5-10mins drying time between each coat should cover them up :)

Good luck dude and show us finished picks when you done :wacko:

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I sprayed mine recently pal and found the same problem. just wait for them to fully dry as a few others said and then wet and dry them. i used cheap rattle spray cans form the local shop and mine look really good tbh matey. i did a satin black base and white mirrors. I dont know if your supposed to or not but i never laquered mine as the paint on the car isnt laquered so i thought would look abit odd. Anyway pal good luck and get some pick up when your done ;)

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finally have them done,

disaster struck towards the end when i thought they were dry took them out of the homemade spray box and the some newspaper got on top and stuck.



i gave them a wash due to having no paint left to sand and respray and another couple of coats of laquer, in the wake of how disgusted i was that the paper stuck im happy enough with the final result for my first time spraying anything .

ones better than the other




this is my starlet about a year ago, havent looked after it like i should have but its all gonna change soon. big plans


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