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EP82 is still smoking, suggestions?

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My car decided to dump shit loads of oil in my exhuast a couple of weeks ago, so much so my exhuast was full of it and my rear boot was covered in it.

I had originally put it down to my turbo seals blowing their guts out, but i found it very unususual as i lost over a litre of oil in the space of 2 mins of driving. (I suspected it was in the exhuast as there was so much coming out the back).

I have since bought a new turbo and fitted it today, however it seems i may have a bigger problem as it hasnt fixed it, it doesnt seem to be losing any oil but its puffing out blue smoke like a train on boost.

The car doesnt smoke on idle or when you rev standing, but when you drive on boost it smokes really bad, the car also starts to misfire badly on 3 cylinders. There is no oil at all inside the blower pipework of the turbo, so the oil in the exhuast smoke is coming from the engine.

I have also just checked the plugs and they are all a nice tan brown colour too.

Anyone have any suggestions on where the hell this blue smoke is coming from?

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if it was headgasket it wud be between a cylinder and oil way... to cause smoking...

but it'd pressurise the oil system...so if there isnt oil being spat out breather into catch tank or pushing the dipstick out....

then it aint that...

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Problem solved!!

Ran the car with the exhuast off and no smoke, exxhuast on loads of it. Turns out my backbox is holding all that oil that poured into my exhuast, over a litre of it!!


Check compression on all cylinders.

If it was only the exhaust, i could say that there is alot of oil still in the exhaust, propably soaked the flexi pipe.

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