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How to change the rear gearbox mount on a n/a

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My rear gearbox mount has gone on my n/a and i have managed to get another one from the scrap yard in good condition. I have never changed this on a car before so how do i go about it?



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you will need to get the car up as high as you can at the front and as stable as you can get it, or on one side, easier on the front as the engine will need suporting and it being level is better.

you will also need to remove the exhaust (from the downpipe i think) and take it off the hangers at the start of the tunnel under the car, then push it to the side

put a jack or prop under the engine/gearbox as close to the mount as u can get (under the bell housing?), then undo the bolt through the mount onto the gearbox bracket, when removing it this will be when the engine moves abit an settles onto your prop. once its settled and the bolts out continue to remove the 6? bolts holding the mount to the chassis in the tunnel, you may need to undo the anti roll bar mounts, 2 bolts on each, to get to all of the bolts.

Once out replace with the new one and reverse the procedure. the bolt that goes throught the mount is always a pig to get back in as the engine will have moved. maybe having a friend about to wiggle the engine as you put the bolt in would be a good idea. this is where the car being stable is a good idea lol

also you could put a poly mount in your new mount before it goes on, think there £30 get better response from the engine as theres far less movement (just a thought)

think thats everything but i may have missed a couple of bits as i did mine on my new engine.

good luck :thumbsup:

Edited by morgey
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