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insuring/ declaring engine conversion on my sr

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right, seriously considering investing my student loans on a conversion, cant come to part myself with my starlet to get another faster car (brother audi a3 1.8 turbo).

my question is how do i go about insuring it and declaring it?

ive heard gt turbos are cheaper to insure, im with admiral muilticar at the moment, should i ring them and say im thinking of putting a gt turbo engine in it and see if they will insure it for the same amount as a gt turbo?

and what about the dvla? do i need to tell them or not?.



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In my opinion if you were swapping your n/a engine for the same model then i would not tell anyone as its a direct fit, with a fte engine the looms, engine, stalks etc have to be changed. If you did crash you cant say that you never knew that it was a turbo engine in it as most of it has been swapped over. Im not sure how much the insurance will charge for a sleeper as everyone has different details (postcode, age, number of ncb, etc). Tbh if you want a sleeper do a conversion if not just buy a glanza or a gt as it will save you time, effort and cash in the long term.

I have found a link will help you out



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i will definately declare it to insurance, not worth the risk. dont want a gt turbo, glanza would be better but the insurance on a glanza is rediculously expensive, 3-4k with admiral but a gt turbo with admiral is only 1600. strange. my brother is with adrian flux modified policy for his modded old mini, will give them a try.

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