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Just seen his name mentioned in a thread and realised he hasnt posted for ages, and I know he has a new car now.

If your listening Ecks we want to see this new car and what you did with the V B)


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I'm still here people !

Just been silly busy recently, i have both the S14A and the starbo still, been trying to sort them both out (i.e plan a strategy for the s14 and get the bits that need sorting on the starbo done), but they are both still here, although the starlet is looking a little sorry for itself at the minute as it isn't getting much attention B)

As soon as she's sorted (it'll be mint as its getting pretty much a full respray) i'll get it up on here for sale. I havent had the opportunity to 'browse' as such as i've been trying to sort people out with stuff from the auctions too as i've had quite an order, but if anyone needs to get hold of me then i'm always on msn etc.

I may not be on here as much once the starlet is sold obviously but we'll see how it goes once everything settles down :p

cheers for the concern ;D

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will do, not even sure if i'm keeping it yet, needs a good valet but i only bought it because it was over 2 grand cheaper than it should have been, and i had the cash handy, so i may sell both cars on (for profit on the s14) and see where i'm at.

cheers peeps.

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