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What to buy to improve performance?

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If the maintenance is upto date then i'd save a bit more and exhaust and de-cat it as thats where alot of power is taken away on a std starlet the stock air box is fine as it has a good cold air feed. Also think how far you want to go no point buying something that in 6 months if you change something else you'll need something better. It's like going out buy a FCD and FPR then buying a full ecu.

If it's totally stock first thing i'd do is chop the springs but only if you know what your doing :) you'll replace them in time and will look better and handle better for bugger all.


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Why not chop the springs please explain whats so bad about this? As long as you wire the the springs to the cups if you've chopped so much out of them that the can move on full shock extension then it's fine you'll be suprised how many people do it.

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What a great idea.........lets go chopping the springs up! Shut the hell up you PRAT!

Do it cheap do it twice!

If the serviceing etc is sorted out then handling and brakes before anything really.

Decent suspension will transform the car and add speed through being able to use the car properly through corners.

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Chopping springs :) thats the funniest thing i've heard all week!

just make sure you advise the emergancy services when you think of going out for a drive!!!

best thing you can do is put your money towards a 'decent' set-up, maybe starting with coilovers! this'll allow you to use the power your car already has to it's full potential!

it's amazing some of the cars that just can't keep up with a well set-up starlet in the twisties ;)

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Funny that you've all called me a pratt yet none of you can tell me why spring chopping if done correctly is dangerous.

It's a common misconception that buy cutting the springs you wont increase there rate, thus risking the springs becoming coil-bound under full bonce. This is nonsense.

You work out a spring's rate by this calculation:

11,250,00 - constant

CSPWD - Coil Spring Wire Diameter

NOAC - Number of active Coils

8 - Constant

CMD - Coil Mean Diameter

(11,250,00 x (CSWD x 4)) / (8 x NOAC x (CMD x 3)) = spring rate.

If you put down Fast car and pick up a good magazine like Pratical Performace Car (which recenlty recomended the starlet as a good hot hatch) you'll find a guide to spring chopping in this months issue! If it's that bad why whould a nationl magazine show you how to do it.

This guys on a budget this would cost him nothing and then in time he could buy a set of good suspension but for now he could if he wants spend his money elsewhere.

After having an old car that you cannot get lowered springs for how else do you think it's done?


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Well they aint constant from the springs i've seen,so that would make it bloody stupid!

£250 is more than enough to allow a proper set of shocks and springs so there is no reason to go suggesting someone who probably has no knowledge of bodging lowering his car to cut his springs! Hence why you were called a prat. :)

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If I was in your shoes I'd go for a set of Pi lowering springs which will set you back around £100 from ebay. If you can't fit them yourself I think you'll be looking around £50-£100 for fitting. Then I'd go for a BOV with the money I have left, might need to save abit more for a decent one (HKS Blitz etc?)

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Well they aint constant from the springs i've seen,so that would make it bloody stupid!

£250 is more than enough to allow a proper set of shocks and springs so there is no reason to go suggesting someone who probably has no knowledge of bodging lowering his car to cut his springs! Hence why you were called a prat. :p

Which is why i said not to if the springs are progressivley wound :) .

I though suggesting this would get a reaction like this shows how little some people understand and when asked to backup there views i'm yet to get a response....

Why am i a pratt for suggesting he could if he has the skill he could lower his car for free and spend his money somewhere else. ;)

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yeah no harm guys but im still waitin for one of u to provide a technically correct argument as to why he should not cut his springs.

even tho insulted straight away Simon has had the decency to provide u with the scientific/technical argument for how it can be done correctly and safely if the springs allow, how come no one has backed up their insults with some actual facts??

any takers or are we gonna hide behind 'your a pratt' comments?? thats not wot this forum is about this aint TGTT! SOMEONE PROVIDE A DECENT COUNTER ARGUMENT!!!!!!!!!! if your so sure of your comments then at least back them up!

im sorry to loose my patience like this but i have met simon several times and Nath speaks very highly of him and i firmly believe he knows wot he's talking about and will not see him insulted for no good damn reason!

so as i have requested, provide a reasonable counter argument or apologise for your insults.


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Chillll Winstan!!!

I think people have justified what they said with the progressive coils argument. Simon went on to say he couldnt remember what the starlet spring structure was, so in effect his advice wasn't brilliant. Had he been able to say that starlet springs were fine for chopping due to... so and so then maybe his suggestion wouldnt have been met with such hostility.

I am impressed with the reasons he gave and they have changed my view on cutting springs, but still.

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Cheers guys and yeah i'll admit that as i couldn't remeber what the starlet springs were like i should have atleast posted and asked what sort they were.

It's a good site you have here, very friendly and as others have said lets keep it that way :) ;)

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fear not MJ i am calm man. i wasnt havin a dig at anyone in particular so please dont think i was, i have no arguments with any of u and im up for insultin people as much as anyone else because im a grumpy fucker but i dont regret or retract anyting i said, if some muppet comes on here claimin to get 25bhp from LED washer jets then by all means rip the stuffing clean out of him, but si has been around this game a long time as Nath will tell u and had a Glanza of his own a few yrs back and he wouldnt come off with a statement as bold as 'cut the springs' unless he was confident that under the CORRECT circumstances this would be a safe approach.


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Right first of all lets see the article,because i'm very sceptical that cutting a standard set of springs on a starlet or any car will be safe and an MOT pass! :)

IF i am wrong i will happily apologise!

I don't doubt he knows his stuff,but i really hate people doing mods that potentionally make their car unsafe! Simon may be an expert at cutting springs but that dosn't mean everyone is.

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