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Alarm / Immobiliser - What are you running?

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Hi guys, picking up my Glanza Saturday, got my insurance sorted but it's dependant on having a Cat 1 Alarm / Imob system fitted.

Most common one I'm finding is the Toad Ai606, £219 fitted which seems good, I've had experience with this system on a friend's Cupra and it's okay.

What systems, if any, are you guys running? Any you'd recommend? Anything to consider when fitting one to a Glanza? Ie. I have a built-on turbo timer that may affect it..

I wanted remote start but apparently that removes the Cat 1 certification...

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Remote start does remove cat 1 certification.

I have a Clifford matrix 1 with R/S even though it doesn't work (the remote start) it would be cat 1 if it weren't for that apparently. but the quote I got for a cat 1 was identical to not having an alarm? Go figure...

Also have a sterling cat 1 and Gemini on my other 2 cars, Clifford has the most features but all do the same job.

Anti jacking. Pressure sensors door sensors and immobilisers with the right features enabled.

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Remote start does remove cat 1 certification.

I have a Clifford matrix 1 with R/S even though it doesn't work (the remote start) it would be cat 1 if it weren't for that apparently. but the quote I got for a cat 1 was identical to not having an alarm? Go figure...

Also have a sterling cat 1 and Gemini on my other 2 cars, Clifford has the most features but all do the same job.

Anti jacking. Pressure sensors door sensors and immobilisers with the right features enabled.

Funny you say that, I got quotes from the likes of Aviva, Elephant etc, and they were actually more expensive if I did have an alarm / immobiliser than if I didn't!

But after being on the phone with Adrian Flux for like 45 minutes, cause of 1 person's error and another rectifying it and trying to help me out etc, I got a good price but it was dependant on having one fitted, so I've gotta.

It's for my own peace of mind too in al fairness, you can never be too cautious these days.

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Most common seems to be the Toad AI606 because its cheap and does the job, I have one for sale if your interested.

I had a Clifford before that and it was fucking annoying, was too sensitive and drained the battery pretty quick.

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I've got a good quote on a fitted one thanks dude, I don't know what places would like fitting a second hand one, and I'm not trying it myself lol..

Just got off the phone with the place though, they said it won't work alongside the turbo timer, meaning I can lock the car, but not arm it until the timer has finished....

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Well, I need to find the TT first! It's hidden somewhere..

I've also read quite a few posts on various forums about when they're mixed together, the TT unlocks the doors when it's finished..

If it's too much hassle I'll just remove the TT, it's not essential on a standard engine and I'll have a run down if I've been out for a blast in it any time, I do the same with my bike, last mile or 2 before home just keep the revs low and short shift.

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