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Starlets in Rochester

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Im at uni atm n on the way back up here from parking my car i saw like 3 starlet ;)

Black GT in Midkent college carpark

Red sportif in the UCCA halls carpark

and a white (98/99 model) from a distance parked down the road outside that carpark where i parked up

Its odd for me to see 1 starlet in a week other than mine but i think I've been paying more attension since i signed up to this forum

Also theres another white starlet think its a sportif that parks in the Midkent carpark aswell n just wondering do these cars belong to anyone on here?

Just interested ;)


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Haven't seen another Levin yet though :D

(other than the one near you)

drop us a PM JAG if you fancy a mini meet of sorts some time.

Also, feel free to come along to the Bluewater meet in December (look in the South East meets section, or PM me for more details)

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Im from Rochester area bud.Wont have seen me though because the V went snap,crackle and pop a few months back.

Should be running anytime soon with a fresh paintjob..So if you see a glanza with a jam kit, carbon goodness and black rotas wheels, twill be i.

Wave me down and feel free to have a chat with me, no matter who im with.All my mates either own starlets, or have owned them so they will be happy to chat with you :D

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I keep seeing loads of old ladies driving um aswell as ones with baby seats in the back :D

Saying that i brought mine from some dude who was selling it for his dad owned this indian restaurant in Rochester n his dad was like all old n he couldnt handle it because he had sum like bad back or sumin n the suspension was 2 much for him

But thats all good because now i got it



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