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manifold to turbo problem, (bullshit design)

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hey all, just got my turbo back from a rebuild, and found the toyosport mani i was going to fit it back in with wont bolt on, cause the 1st runner fouls the compressor housing and stops the gasket being able to form any kind of seal. it wasnt a problem when i trial fitted it to a ct9b (now a ct9a) i dunno how this happened. the only way around this issue i can see is fitting both a new oem gasket and the shitty graphite one that came with it, but that doesnt sound like the best idea lol. anyone have any way around this?

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Pics? I can't visualise what you mean.


this obv isnt actually it, but its similar enough. that 1st runner in the foreground hits the top of the compressor housing below it, so the turbos held at an angle and theres no seal. the only thing that i can think of to sort it is a spacer of some sort, but that would require 2 gaskets, or 2 gaskets with a plate in the middle.

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Oh sorry I understand you now.

As jezza said, you can easily rotate the compressor housing mate! Just undo the clamp in the middle and loosen it off and turn accordingly.

isnt there a pin that holds it in place?

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Oh sorry I understand you now.

As jezza said, you can easily rotate the compressor housing mate! Just undo the clamp in the middle and loosen it off and turn accordingly.

Sweet jaysus, success! the final preparation hurdle cleared, thanks to you jezza and Rbz, panic over! just as a side note, does anyone know what this clamp should be torqued up to? i carefully measured out 4 turns with the spanner before it was loose enough to move, but it was silly tight, wouldn't wanna cut corners now lol.

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Sweet jaysus, success! the final preparation hurdle cleared, thanks to you jezza and Rbz, panic over! just as a side note, does anyone know what this clamp should be torqued up to? i carefully measured out 4 turns with the spanner before it was loose enough to move, but it was silly tight, wouldn't wanna cut corners now lol.

Fuck knows mate, just till it's tight lol..

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